Chapter 1

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I was at home chillin with my family, and we was having a good time!! we all sat around the living room and had conversations, just chillin, then out of no where Jackson ran and jumped on my dad head and licked it!!! lol, it was soooo funny. we were on the floor laughing. it was to funny to him for him to be mad, he had to laugh too.Sooner or later we went our separate ways.


Ron.. aye bro Im hellla bored!!

Troy.. really tho ,let's go to the some ball or sumn!!

Ron..okay, Dats cool and today is the day we do dem bangouts

Troy..ayeee let's go!!

@ dah gym


E/B.MEEEEEES come on pulls out his phone and make the video then plays a game and finally begins to walk out of the gum until...



??wats ur name cutie

Ron..Ronnie, u wanna hang sometime?!!

??..aren't u gonna ask me my name she said playfully!

Ron.. uh yea I'm sorry wa-gco-

??'s Brittany!! lol

Ron..well "Brittany" in order for us to hang we have to exchange digits first!

Brittany.. okay exchanges #'s with him

Ron..see ya later

Brittany.. walks off

Ron.. damnnnnnn dat ass is nice .

anyways, I had to see her face one more time b4 I left so I called her name .BRITTANY!!

Brittany.. huh??!

Ron.. im gone call u later okay

Brittany.. okay thats fine!! blushing

Ron..smiles and walks off

5 to 6 weeks later

Ronnie's POV

ever since we exchanged numbers that day we talked every night on the phone, we went on about 4 dates already and I really like here. she has all.of the qualities u can ask for, she's beautiful, fine, funny, deep conversation worthy, and the last thing is her food that I am so excited to taste...tonight, damn I can't wait!

I go to the closet and began to dig through clothes and then I think ,wat should I wear. Imma call and ask! so I call her.

**phone convo**

Ron.. hello


Ron.. not to sound stupid or nun but wat should my attire be for this beautiful dinner??!

Brit..umm jeans and a shirt I guess, but u might wanna bring some pajamas Cuz I want u to stay the night!!

Ron..okay cool, thx

Brit..u welcome!! see ya later

Ron..see ya

**end of phone convo **

A/n.. the day goes by really fast and it was time!! he finally made it to the house and he knocks on the door ...

the door swings open

Brit..heyyy boo!!

Ron..wassup mah!! u look good!!

Brit..thx even tho I have on sweats lol come in boo,I'm yo boo huh!!

Brit.. you know I call everybody boo!

Ron..yea yea what ever shot down!!

Brit.. imma finish up dinner and we can eat, u can chill in the living room or u can come in the kitchen with me!

Ron..okay Imma watch this sexy lady make us dinner!!

Brit..okay come on!



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