Ch.14- Orphanage

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The orphanage run by Mikaela and (Name) was large and colorful, colored mats on the ground and chalk boards and small tables everywhere. The ground was littered with crayons and pieces of paper, and every kind of toy and stuffed animal.
The young children in this orphanage ranged from ages two to twelve, and wouldn't get off of Taro.
The little ones couldn't stop cooing about his multicolored eyes, and one of the youngest little girls was poking and prodding his face and hair.
Overwhelmed with children, Taro had ended up on one of the mats.
The boy attempted to gently nudge them away but ended up deciding to just humor them, laughing and just letting them do whatever.
A pair of large green eyes hovered above Taro and the child poked his nose.
"Boop!" The little boy exclaimed, giggling.
Mikaela, standing a while away, laughed and grinned, scratching the back of his head. "They're really excited to see new people," he explained.
"What's your name?" One of the girls chirped, and Taro gave her a nervous, closed-eye smile.
"Taro Hyakuya," He replied, and a ripple of noises of surprise went through the group.
Mikaela gave them a closed-eye smile.
"Yes, everyone. This is Taro, my son."
Again, Taro was bombarded by questions, but Mika broke it by waving a hand.

Mika smiled. "Taro needs to go talk with Mrs.(Name), he'll have to answer those later."

There was a chorus of awww's from the group, but they reluctantly let Taro up.

Taro tilted his head quizzically at his father.

Mika offered no explanation, just shook his head and pointe to the stairs, that were blocked by a baby gate.

Taro nodded and started up the stairs.

The hallway at the top of the stairs was large and carpeted, and Taro looked from side to side at all of the doors.

"Taro," his mother's voice called, and Taro turned. She was poking her head out of the doorway of the door at the end of the hall, (hair length) (color of hair) hair messy and loose, dark bags under her eyes.

Taro turned and walked to the room, and his mother stepped aside to let him in.

The room was simple, a bed with white sheets and two white pillows in one corner, an empty dresser and open, empty closeted on the opposite end.

His mother closed the door and sat down on the bed, motioning for him to do the same.

Taro straightened the collar of his white shirt, painfully aware of how much of a mess his neck was, and always would be.

The boy sat down onto the bed, a feeling of unease settling into his chest.

This was all so... Fast. So sudden. His world had been completely flipped upside down, his emotions were going haywire under his somewhat calm exterior, and frankly, he felt so out of place.

A mother, a father.... Parents.... What did this word mean? What did he have to do... How was he supposed to act... To fill the role of 'son'?

"Taro," his mother spoke softly. "Do you know what a school is?"

"Yes," Taro replied. He ran a hand through his silken blond hair.

He had been taught about vampires and humans alike, and learning about the workings of a human 'school' was elementary stuff.

"Well," his mother said. "Our... Higher-ups... Want to put you in one of these human schools. Soon."

"How soon?"

Taro's mother sighed. "As soon as possible. Mikaela received an order to send you to a... Particular one."

She folded her hands on her lap and leaned back. "This is the same one that your uncle went to."


"Long story. To put it simply, they want to keep track of you and train you like a soldier. A section of this involves experimenting with the fact your recent experiences may have ignited your bloodlust."

Taro's hand went unconsciously up to his neck, skimming the slightly raised scars. He suppressed a shudder.


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