Ch.12- Crimson

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Taro's feeling of weakness subsided enough for him to push away from his father.

His mother's hands shook as she drew her sword, and she lifted it towards Seir, breathing heavily.
"You..." She hissed. "You tore apart my family... used my son as if he was a slave... caused... "

A shadow fell over Taro's face, and he walked towards his mother, his bare feet padding on the cold cobblestone.

"Mother," he called softly, and she looked back.


Time seemed to slow.

Taro's hand shot out, fingers wedging apart his mother's grip and then wrapping around Ryūk's hilt in one swift movement. Then he shifted his weight, spinning back into a fighting stance for a millisecond before lunging. He pushed off of the ground with his right foot and outstretched the sword's blade into a kink in the queen's armor, slightly to the left of her heart. Blood.
A single spatter of blood arched through the air and splattered against Taro's cheek.
He landed on top of the queen, and his baggy shirt hung down, exposing his shoulder, neck and collarbones, and the ebony scars clustered all across his skin, looking a bit like a constellation.
He spoke in monotone.
"This is for Akari," the boy whispered softly, and Seir finally had time to react, started to struggle, but another quick flick of his wrist and the section of armor on the Queen's shoulder completely broke away.
She froze, still completely shocked by the sheer speed Taro had moved in taking her down, paralyzed from the shock and pain of the wound gushing on her chest.
Crimson eyes stared into neon red and green.
Taro's blond hair swung once from side to side. "I was so... confused... My emotions were everywhere, but... now I know what I have to do," Taro continued.
Taro lowered his lips to Seir's neck and bared his fangs, sinking them into her pale skin, and the dying queen finally found her voice.
"I wish I would have killed you, demon." Seir spat, trying to use her last bit of strength to pull away, but Taro kept a firm hold on her shoulder and her neck.
Lifeblood flooded Taro's mouth, until finally there was nothing more, and the young vampire pulled back, wiping a trickle of blood from his chin.
He used two fingers to close Seir's eyelids, then stood.
He thought that after killing the murderer of his beloved guardian, that he would feel energized, feel at peace, but instead a sick feeling settled down in his stomach.

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