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                               August 21 2014
Dear journal,
         I can't believe that tomorrow I start my first day of  7 grade tomorrow! I'm a little nervous though. We are getting some new kids from the other school near by. Just so you know, in the area I live in, there is no middle school. Just elementary and high school. I know, it's weird. I'm not even sure if it's legal. Tomorrow I really hope to make new friends with the new kids. Hopefully this year I get more popular and have way more friends. This year that will happen. Hopefully. Anyways I'm really tired and should get some sleep so tomorrow I'm not tired. First impressions always count.


  When I wake up at 6:30 to the sound of Katy Perry music as my alarm clock, I jump right out of my bed and head downstairs to say bye to my mom as she walks out of the door.
"Bye mom, love you" I say to her.
"Bye sweetie, love you guys" she says to all of us as she shuts the door.

I head over to the kitchen and make myself some toast and eat it quickly. Once I've done everything I need to to get ready my dad drops my brother and I off at school.

Finally we go inside and to our homeroom class room. I go to my seat at the front of the classroom and next to me is a girl that I've never seen before with a shirt that I have and short black hair.

"Hi" she says nicely, "Im Yazmen, I came from Nanbuckey, the school that got redistricted."

"Hi," I say back with a smile "I'm Cara"


September 3 2014
Dear journal,
Last week was a good week :) I hope this week is good too. Yazmen and I became really good friends. It is a little weird how we became friends. She realized she needed a pencil sharpener for her supplies and I had an extra one so we started our conversation through that:) Glad she forgot a sharpener cause that's how i made a new best friend:)) She plays basketball just like me and now I won't stop begging her to try out for county. Hopefully she does. We are also in the same groups for all of our rotations and help each other with lots of stuff. I also became friends with a girl named Maria that Yazemin introduced me too, who also went to Nanbuckey. But I don't really like Maria that much. Kind of seems like a brat :/ She's okay. Anyways I should get to sleep it's like 1am. Hope this week goes good:))


"Hey Yazmen," I say while I put my back pack on my desk and get out all of my supplies.
"Hey Cara, I asked my dad about trying our for county basketball and he said he's not so sure I should this year but he said maybe," Yazemen replied.
"Oh, just beg him and show him all of your skills" I say and we both laugh a little.
"That might actually work" she says back as we both start to walk to our lockers.
"Oh ya, Cara," Yazmen says, "My friend Ellie from Nanbucky invited us to play at recess with her with her new friend Catherine, Ellie's really funny and athletic and crazy and is a midget. I don't really know Catherine."
"Ya, that seems fun aren't they in our class?" I ask
"Ya they're over there" she points to them as we walk back to our seats and start a warm up.

September 7 2014
Dear journal,
This week was really fun at recess. Yazmen, Catherine, Ellie,and me all had these racing games and chased each other with Ellie's twin brother, Andy and his best friend Cayden. It was so much fun. Ellie and me became really good friends and so did me and Catherine. Also I kind of reconnected with my friend Hailey from first grade and she's really good friends with Maria but I don't really like her and also Talia who I went to second grade with but we didn't really talk. And me and Hailey are getting closer :) well I'm pretty tired and it's Friday and all I feel like doing is eating, sleeping, and watching Netflix so I'll write next week ;)


I know this wasn't good and it's boring, but it should be getting interesting soon:)
Stay toned 😂
2% should be out no later than in 4 days:)
Keep reading it will get more interesting I promise;))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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