It's a cloud that float over you 24/7. It never leaves you alone. Constantly bringing you down. pulling you away from the things you once loved. You no longer want to interact with anyone else. You lay in bed all day because you have no motivation to do anything else. You don't want to see anyone because your just too tired. You feel as if no one else understands. Your energy has dropped and you feel dreadful. You just want to die and leave everyone else to their happy lives. You feel as if everyone would be better off without you. You've given up on everything and everyone. You no longer have the motivation to continue living. You're inside all day, never going outside. You're friends notice something's wrongs, but when they ask you what's wrong you push them away. All you want to do is die, put yourself out of misery and drift away with the wind. It feels like the worlds weight is on your shoulders, weighing you down into the ground. You're physical appearance looks like you don't own a mirror, you just don't care anymore. You wonder what it's like to die, and if it's really worth it, somedays it feels as if it is. I find it funny that everyone suddenly starts feeling bad and giving you attention but only when something dramatic happens. This cloud that floats over me 24/7? Yeah that's my depression.
RandomYeah that's my arm, but these are my scars from a while back, these are gone now. With new ones in their place, but smaller....