Saying Goodbye and The Train

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Thoughts were racing through my mind as I took in the different faces in the crowd, but the one face I wanted to see the most wasn’t there, and it never would be again.

Some people looked upset that I was chosen, they must have known my parents, and some; well they looked happy that I was leaving, did they really hate me that much they wished me dead? Is that why no one volunteered? They wanted to see me suffer? Well they got their wish.

I gazed around the square and tried to remember every detail of my home. I took in the bakers shop in the corner with its bright blue shutters and neon sign, the library beside it where I had spent so much time reading all the old classics (well the ones the capitol hadn’t destroyed), the silver lamppost where I had my first and only kiss and finally the small tribute to my father in the very far corner of the square. It wasn’t the biggest memorial but it was so special to me.

I was brought back to the events of the reaping when someone shouted, “I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!”

I glanced to where the boy was making his way to the stage. If he volunteered he was good but I still couldn’t make out who it was, nearly everyone in this district trained for the games.

“And what is your name young man?” Alia asked with the biggest grin on her face.

“Hero Gunn” He replied cockily and winked at her. Ew! What was he trying to do, seduce her? Even though I hardly know Alia I highly doubt she would sink that low.

Hero was about six foot two and was very muscular. I’ll admit his body was quite nice… but his face? Not trying to be rude but it looked like a battered bucket! I was kind of scared though, who wouldn’t be? He had obviously trained his whole life.

“Shake hands you two!” Alia exclaimed stepping back and gesturing to us. It was only now that I noticed her insanely long patterned nails.

Hero held his hand out and I hesitantly grasped it in mine. It was an odd feeling, at first his grip was strong but then it loosened and became softer as he looked at me. I quickly let go and stood back allowing Alia through again.

“I am pleased to give you the tributes of District 2! Claire-Louise Eris and Hero Gunn!” She shouted and clapped her hands together, before ushering us through the doors to the justice building.

*           *            *

I walked shaking into the waiting room where friends and family go to say goodbye, but already knowing that no one was going to come, I took the opportunity to let my emotions out.

I sunk to the ground and hugged my knees to my chest, burying my face in them. Why me? How could this happen? Haven’t I had enough bad luck in my life without this?

All I could think of was what my dad would say if he was here, I know he would be telling me to stay strong and that I can do this! He would be telling me how he needs his little Claire-Bear to come home to him, how he can’t lose his other special lady. He would let me know he loves me and hold me while I cried. I had to do this. Even if he wasn’t here anymore, I had to do this for my dad.

My Mentor (A Cato Hadley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now