Chapter 6 ~ Deep, Dark Secrets

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     "Alright." I thought for  a second but my first question instantly came to me. It was a pretty obvious one. "Well, let's start with your name. I'm getting kind of sick of calling you Greenie in my head." I hear my mouth spew out the nickname before I could swallow it back down.

     "And how do you know that's not my name?" My eyes widen at his serious tone. Is he for real? Fumbling to come up with a response, I gulp. Why do I have to have such a big mouth?

     "I'm kidding," his laughter makes his chest rumble under my palms. "Gosh love, you should have seen your face. Don't take stuff so seriously." His eyes were twinkling with mirth.

     "Okay new rule. We have to answer the questions honestly. And no asking a new question until you answer the one you're asked unless you used one of your skips on it." I grumble and we sway to the music together. I should have came with the honesty thing sooner. The first song had ended a few seconds ago and this was the second slow song of the night. Greenie gave me a slow nod. Staring straight into my eyes, he responded, "Kay."

     I waited a few moments before I realized that he had just given me his name and hadn't just agreed to my terms. "Kay." I repeated. It sounds nice.

     He gave me a small smile. Somehow this one was different from all his previous grins. Whereas they were either smug or arrogant, this one almost made him look boyish. It was sincere, while the other ones seemed fake. Masks he used to hide behind. They reminded me of my own sugary ones.

     "Okay my turn," His voice interrupted my thoughts. "Hmm. I want this one to be good," he says as he turned our bodies in a small circle.

     "Aren't you going to ask me for my name?" I asked, a bit miffed. Was he going to call me love for the rest of the night?

     "Now why would I do that? I already know what it is. And besides, he gave me a wink, "I rather like the nicknames I gave you."

     "That's not fair..."

     "Nothing's fair in this life Sugar." His tone was dark and serious. I didn't like how quickly his demeanor changed. He stared at me before a brilliant smile split across his face. This guy was seriously bipolar.  "Okay, got it. What's the story behind that necklace?"

     My hand instinctively reached for my necklace, and I tried to subconsciously hide the pendent with my hand. "Bad subject?" Kay questioned, raising an eyebrow in the process. "You can skip it if you want." He gently reminded me. Should I? No it didn't require that hard of an answer and there might be other things that I felt less willing to share.

    "Nope it's fine. It was an heirloom passed down from my mother."

    "Black pearls. That's quite an expensive heirloom."

    "Yah well," I trailed off, not sure what to say. "My turn yes?"

    "Yes," Kay groaned pretending to be wounded by my quick brush off of him. We were completely surrounded by a huge mass of bodies.

    "Okay. Hmmm, let's see. Oh I know! How old are you?"

    "Really?" he asked shocked. "Out of every thing you can ask me you want to know my name and age?"

     "Well, yeah," I roll my eyes. "I need to know the basics of the guy I'm talking to before I learn all of his deep dark secrets. Besides, you're not making this easy on me. With that mask and hat on you can be anywhere from twenty to forty years old!"

     "Okay, Okay. You don't like mysteries. It's fine I get it." He stopped our movement across the dance floor. Letting go of my waist, he picked up my hands from his chest and lightly held them between us. "My name is Kay. I'm twenty-five years old. I'm 5'11". I have brown hair that is usually a mess and I need glasses when I read." he took a deep breath, as if sharing all of these things were causing him a great deal of pain, but his sideways grin said otherwise. "I'm filthy rich now because of what I do, but I had a pretty economically challenged childhood." he leaned in towards me, leaving only a few inches between our faces. "Oh," he said in almost an afterthought, "I would also be considered a kleptomaniac."

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