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"I'm with Andrea right now, why?" Louis spoke into the phone and propped his feet up on the coffee table."I don't know if she'd be up for it thought," He said, sneaking a glance over at me. "Yeah Harry, I'll ask her." He sighed pulling the phone away from his face.

"What does Harry want," I groaned, popping another piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"He wanted to know if you would like to come over to his and Liam's dorm." He pleaded, probably because he wanted to go, but he also didn't want to leave me alone.

"Er, is he gonna be there?" I whispered, but Louis knew who I meant by he.

"Most likely, no." Louis confessed. "But come on if you do go, you can drink a bit and forget about him!" He enthused, smiling widely.

"Fine," I sighed, giving into him. He squealed like a child before telling Harry that we would leave in 10.

"Let's get going!" He yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me up, off my bed.

"Lou I need to get changed," I whined, looking down at my sweat-pants and sweater.

"You look fine babe, lets go!" He pouted, pulling on my arm. I let him drag me down the steps, and over to the front door. I made him slip my vans on over my blue socks before we left to the car, locking the door on our way out.

Louis's car was actually pretty nice, it had the new car scent. His seats were made of leather, and the dash board had a large radio installed into it. It was already 8, so it was dark out for the most part.

"Are you gonna drink tonight? Like, for the first time?" He asked, making sure to keep his eyes glued to the road.

"I don't know Louis, I really want to forget about him for a little while yet yeah. But some people get addicted to alcohol quickly, and I don't want to be one of them." I admitted, remembering my mothers problem. "Plus, that stuff tastes like crap!" I added, laughing.

"Aw come on, after a few sips it starts to taste better." He laughed also, placing a friendly hand on my knee.

"I thought you were a little innocent boy, that's what Liam made you out to be." I said, remembering what the boys told me the other night.

"I am but I can still drink, can't I." He smirked, raising a eyebrow and quickly snook another glance of me.

"I guess so," I laughed, toying with the strings of my pajama pants. They were plaid light-blue and white, typical pajama pants.

"So you will drink," He smiled.

"Only a bit," I responded, sternly at the brown haired boy.

"Whatever you say," He replied, still smirking.


"Hey guys!" Liam said, hugging both me and Louis before letting us into his apartment. Once entering, I noticed Harry sitting on a red couch watching what seemed to be a match of American football. But as we entered, he tore his gaze from the tv over to me and Lou, smirking when his eyes landed on us.

"Hello Andrea," Harry said, and he seemed to be holding back something as his face became a little redder and his lips formed a straight line. A laugh maybe?

"Hi Harry?" I replied, but it came out more as a question.

"I'm sorry I can't help it!" He shouted before his laughter boomed off the walls, holding his stomach as he rolled around on the couch.

"Wha...." I said, looking over at a chuckling Liam. Were they laughing at me? I was a bit more content noticing that Louis was confused as to what they were doing also. I felt Louis tense beside me, and I craned my neck to look over at him.

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