t w e n t y s i x

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I sighed as I started walking down the steps, my nerves getting the best of me as I felt like I was gonna cry and throw up.

I know I shouldn't have done anything with Ashton, but I feel like this is just what I needed. I needed someone that I could just mess around with, after everything that's happened with Niall, I deserve to have someone that'll make me feel good. And I'm pretty sure Niall hasn't stopped fucking all the girls in America, which gave me more of a reason to continue mine and Ash's affair.

My thoughts were interrupted as I entered the living room, Liam, Harry, and Calum were sitting there, talking. But all heads turned to me as I walked in.

"Uh, hi." I stuttered, not knowing what to say to them. Their stares were so judgmental, as each second passed by I felt even more insecure. "Can I talk to you Liam?" I asked. Liam quickly stood up and harshly grabbed my small wrist. He dragged me over to the, oh look, bathroom.

"You're in so much trouble," He growled, pacing back and forth in front of me. I nervously chewed on my bottom lip, watching him pull at his hair in aggravation.

"Did you tell them?" I questioned, my voice barley audible over the sound of Liam's breathing.

"No I didn't fucking tell them!" He snapped.

"Oh," I whispered, my new found confidence
quickly rushing down the drain.

"What were you thinking?" He raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at me.

"I don't think I did anything wrong." I mumbled, scratching my forearm awkwardly. Liam must've found my response humorous, because he started to laugh right in my face.

"Are you serious?" He continued to cackle, like this was the funniest thing in the world. I simply nodded, feeling very small. "You've literally walked Ashton right into his deathbed, do you have any damn clue how Niall's gonna react when he finds out?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "And who said Niall was gonna find out?"

"You think he's not?" His voice was cold.

"I'd like to hope he doesn't." I muttered.

"You obviously don't know Ashton, because as soon as he sees Niall, it'll be the first thing he brings up." Liam stated.

"Why would Ashton do that?" I frowned.

"He's a douchebag Andrea, he hates Niall's guts with a burning passion. And he'd do anything to push his buttons, and you just happen to big the biggest one."

"Ashton wouldn't do that," I shook my head, looking down at the ground.

"You don't believe me?" Liam spat.

"Ashton wouldn't do that, you're just saying that. You hate him." I whispered, more to myself then Liam.

"Yes he would," Liam growled.

"No, he wouldn't. He's sweet and your just trying to make him seem like a horrible gu-"

"You have only known him for one fucking day!" He suddenly boomed, cutting me off. "Open your fucking eyes and look around Andrea, look where we are! We're fucking in the middle of no where and you have the fucking nerve to go fuck around with some douche bag! You're such a fucking slut, it's hard to believe you were a virgin almost two months ago!" He pushed me into the wall purposely, making me hit my head on the hard tiles, watching as I fell down. I looked up at him in shock, and also in fear.

Tears gathered in my eyes, blurring my vision. I couldn't help myself from crying as I started to sob in to my hands, dropping my head into my knees.

storms // niall horanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora