How Dare You Crash My Crashed Party.

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Screams, Silence, Screams, Silence. A wonderful pattern if you ask me. Approximately half remained alive, not counting a concern Rachel along with my hostages. Personally, I could not tell if she was acting or actually concern I happened to be pushing my hand to far.


The room fell into a deep silence as the groans of the dead faded. The socialites were too scared to talk as if it would trigger another attack. They were only pawns, they could do no damage of that magnitude. Bruce's attempts to reason with me ceased. Am I the only one who starts to overthink when silence is upon a room. The question: Why? Or What if, begins to haunt me.

For instance, Why has Grayson remained silent since I pulled him into a hostage situation. He, who done nothing wrong or knew that I was aware of his identity, did not even attempt to reason with me. I stare at him for a second, making eye contact with Grayson. I will only refer to the man as Grayson because I refuse to refer to the once Robin as Dick. Such an idiotic name indeed. DUH! He was the first Robin! Why did I not see this earlier. The first Robin was brilliant with technology, actually forcing me work against his coding. Grayson must have realized how my device functioned by now and he was escaping! Oh no, I could not let that happen.

I slide my finger up my phone, commanding my special effects to keep the audience 'entertained'while I motioned to speak with him. Green gas sprayed out from the other corner of the room. The gas was harmless, however the guests did not know that.


Meanwhile, I smile, bending down to whisper in his ear. "Yes it is a magnetic field Nightwing but-" Across the room I could see Rachel glaring at me. Before I speak, I turn off my connection with her. I did not need her input, nor her listening to what I was about to say. "-not many normal people would know that...only the first Robin and now vigilante." I grinned, stepping back. I waited to see a shock on his face, yet he did not give me the satisfaction. The only thing to do would be to push harder. "You really should thank Bruce for letting me know your little secret. Now your girlfriend would be an excellent target if everyone knew your identity."

"You don't know that." Dick Grayson aka Nightwing responses.

"Maybe I don't." I step back, keeping a calm tone about me."-but she will at least look like a traitor. I don't think people at Arkham take traitors well..I can recall her mother trying to kill the Cat over something rather similar" I flash a knowing smile. Sure, I kind of just showed him my cards. Revealing the fact I was aware Rachel was Rose, which was something Rachel specifically told me not to do. However, I wanted to see him frazzled.

Nightwing just shakes his head, unphased. "By that logic, you were a traitor once, Emily."

My smile disappears in an instant. How did he?? I stare at him a second, trying to figure out where he got my name from. Bruce could have told him, but he did not tell Tim so how would Grayson know. My brief lapse of confusion must have made him amused, "Come on give me some credit. Bruce may not remember, but I do."

It clicks. How he knew my name. I pretended not to recall such a foolish mistake. "Remember what?"

"I'm sure you know how I know Enigma, otherwise what is the use of that photographic memory you keep reminding us about."

I scratch the back of my neck. What the once Robin was recalling was the night of my disobedience from long ago. That night when I snuck down the stairs, first laid eyes on the so called dynamic duo. That night when my father almost killed me by strapping me to a bomb to my three year old self. Alfred...Alfred was the other contestant, which now made sense. From that time on my father had known. My father had known for years Bruce's identity. I felt ill. My idiotic three year old self had told Robin my name, before the police had arrived because of how startled I was.

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