His Fairness.

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"Damn." Your voice coming out as a dry croak as you reach into your pocket, pulling out more coins. You had been neglecting the idea of getting yourself a drink since you got here, too busy trying to win a plushie from this stupid Claw Machine. 

There's even been a few times where you'd have to move aside and let other people play before you tried again. They were annoying. They would put their coin on the machine to imply they want to go next, that's fine. But they really take it upon themselves to watch with hawk-like eyes as you take your turn? So irritating.

"Damn it." You sigh reaching into your pocket once again, feeling around for just one more coin, but nope. Nothing. Well, this day officially sucks. You woke up at the crack of dawn and had been in this arcade since, trying to win just a simple Mario mushroom plushie but to avail.

Your mood throughout the day has gone from happy to irritated, to full-blown rage, to what it is now...just completely drained. The fact that you had just blown all your money on a plushie that could probably be cheaper to buy off the internet than win in this machine barely even phasing you anymore. 

Your legs taking themselves toward the exit of the arcade, a small smile spreading across your lips. "At least I haven't missed The Looney Tunes show." A strange taste in cartoons, sure. But watching those just takes you back to a much simpler time, when you watched it as a child and had no worries whatsoever, that kind of nostalgia is always welcomed with open arms.

Well, until something hits you in the back of the head. The action pulling you from your thoughts and managing to change your drained mood to full-on irritation once again. Your head almost doing a complete 180 degree turn, your glaring eyes landing on a dark-haired boy with a wide grin and freckles. But then something else catches your eye, your gaze shifting down to the ground. The action only causing your frown to slowly turn into a smile, he threw the plushie at you. 

"You've spent $30 trying to win so I asked my boss if we could just allow you to have it." The boy chuckles, the fact that he's wearing the work uniform only just becoming apparent to you. Almost out of impulse, you pick up the plushie, pulling it close to your chest with a wide smile etched into your features.

"Thanks, that was kind of you~" Though you're happy there's workers like him in that arcade, that will take pity on you and let you have the plushie. You're still somewhat bummed about the fact that you have just flushed $30 down the toilet. 

"You know my brother, don't you?"

Great, he's going to try and creep on me now? Can't guys just do a nice thing and not expect anything from it?

"Who's your brother?" You grumble miserably, deciding to humor the guy despite your suspicions that he was just trying to get into your panties or whatever. But he surprises you once again.

"Sabo. You're friends with Koala, if I remember correctly?" 

Oh snap, I do know his brother!

"I didn't realize Sabo had a sibling, especially one with black hair." You retort, your eyebrow raised. You silently hope for an explanation, not that he owed you one or anything, but you were sure curious. 

Maybe their father has dark hair and their mother has light? Or vice versa?  

"Ah, he has two with black hair. You see, we're adopted brothers!" The boy explains simply, still harboring a cheer in his tone but the information was so fresh to you, so unexpected that your face falls and a small 'oh' leaves your lips. 

Of course, they don't look much a like at all, duh! I should have guessed that one!

"I know what you're thinking," The boy continues, he still has the smile on his face but his eyes look somewhat upset, as if you had just kicked a puppy or something. "We might not be related by blood but he is still my brother. I know it's probably hard for you to understand if you don't have adopted siblings yourself, right?"

"No, no!" You blurt, your hand waving at him frantically whilst the other still clings to the plushie he had gotten for you. "That's not what I was thinking! I just thought you were going to say that your mother had blonde hair and dad had dark or something! I just wasn't expecting that explanation is all!"

My God, I've already managed to offend him!

"How do you know what my parents looked like?" He suddenly asks, completely throwing you off guard once again. Your eyes staring up at him as your mouth loosely hangs open. 

I didn't say I did? DID I?!

"Uh...?" Yes, that is all you could muster. Your brain still trying to unscramble itself, the deafening silence only making it harder for you to think of anything witty to say.

"Oh wait, I get it now!" The male snickers, waving his hand dismissively at you. "Sorry, I misunderstood. I couldn't tell ya what Sabo's parents looked like though." 

I didn't ask? I don't think I did anyway...? This boy is too confusing for me. Or I'm confusing him?

"I should probably get back to work now, I only came out to give you that plushie. If I'm too late inside, my boss will chew me out." The male playfully grins as he steps a little closer to you, holding out his hand to offer you a shake. "My name is Portgas D. Ace."

"[L/n] [F/n], nice to meet ya, Ace." You smile politely, finally managing to find your voice as you give the boy's hand a gentle shake before he makes his way back inside the arcade. You couldn't quite help the heat in your cheeks, it only gets worse the more you try to control it.

That couldn't have gone worse...But at least I have a plushie!

And that's how you met him. Your best friend and crush, Portgas D. Friggin' Ace.

What's Not To Love? {Portgas D. Ace x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now