Recording found in purge zone - Entry total 52 Entries
Entry 1. This is chief scientist Fredrick Bevel. The Mannequins look like a normal modern day Mannequin, but is anything but. It's only opening in the creature is the mouth that is hidden while it is close, so well that where the mouth is, does not even looks like there is a crack. It hunts it's prey with vibration, every single movement you make, every step, every breath, every heartbeat. It can see you, it can hunt you... and it will kill you. It out speeds humans which is it's main prey. The only thing that has pierced it skin is bullets. We have no clue if these creatures are native... or created. It has no infectious affects if you survive a bite or scratch. But ever sense we learned of there existence, we switched to a new model of Mannequin.
Entry 52. The Mannequins, have adapted, they mimic the closest model of Mannequin in the area. No one is safe now, they are everywhere. Lock down started, nothing may enter or leave... ever again. What was that... OH Go-- *Screams with the sound of tearing flesh*
Recording ends
Story Ideas
Historia CortaThis book is just for story Ideas that I don't want to make into a full book, but hey, maybe they will show up in the other 5 books I'm working on at the time, or maybe new books later.