Part 4: First Day

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I ran through the front door. It was my first day and I was already late. I tried to keep going fast while I put my earrings on. I saw the bus. I stopped what I was doing and ran like hell to get there but it was too late. The bus left and I could only stay at the sidewalk, staring at it.
"Great." I said to myself turning back to my house's direction. A black car stopped next to me.
"You wanna a ride?" Dean said putting the window down.
"Really? Thank you so much."
"No problem." He said opening the passenger's door." I just have to drop Sam off first."
"That's fine. Thank you. I totally lost track of the time today."
I got into the car. It was an old car but it seemed very well maintained or really cared about.
"Hey." Said Sam.
"Oh, hi, Sam."
The ride was a little awkward to be honest. Practically no one spoke the only thing I could hear was the classical rock playing on the radio in a really low volume. We dropped Sam off in the local Middle School.
"So," started Dean. "Met anyone interesting already? I mean, besides me of course."
I smiled.
"I met the girl who lives across the street from my house. Hanna Marin. She seems nice. The girl who lives at the end of the street too. Violet. Harmon. She seems a little weird but nice. Although her brother kind of scares me a little."
"The one that ins't born yet?" He said laughing.
"No, the older one."
"The Harmon's only have Violet, Mrs. Harmon is pregnant with their second child."
"Oh, that's weird."
"It must have been someone else."
"Here we are. Welcome to your new school, the house of the Daredevils."
"Such a lovely mascot."
He laughed softly and parked the car.
"Thanks for the ride again, Dean. Now I have to try to find my first period class."
"What is it?"
"Chemistry with... Mr. White."
"Oh, good luck."
"You don't like him?"
"He hates me."
I laughed.
"Any tips?"
"Don't arrive late."
"In this case, I need to go. Bye. Thanks."
I kissed him on the cheek, only to realize a second later how weird that must have been. I got used to doing it with my boy friends back in LA for some reason I couldn't remember anymore. So, I left the car and got into the school not looking back at him. The school was huge. Bigger than I imagined it would be. I got into my class and sat in one of the tables. After a few minutes a girl sat next to me but she didn't say anything. Neither did I.
"Hello, everyone." Said the teacher after the last bell "I'm Mr. White, your chemistry teacher. To get started..."
"What? No!" Screamed a boy in the back and everyone looked at him.
"Mr. McCall..."
"I'm sorry Mr. White."
"I already know you and Mr. Stilinski... You." He said pointing at me "Switch spots with Mr. McCall. You don't look like someone that'll talk to Mr. Stilinski."
I was surprised but I grabbed my stuff and changed spots with him.
"This guy hates me." Said the boy next to me, more to himself than to anyone else.
He noticed that I was staring at him. I looked to the other side.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Sophia. Anderson."
"I'm Stiles. I think I've never seen you before."
"I just moved over here."
"Oh, from where?"
"That's cool."
"You don't like it?"
"Not really to be honest."
"You should know that this town has many more secrets than it might seem at first."
"You're like the third person to tell me this so far. And I only know four."
He laughed.
"If you want to, I can introduce you to some other people."
"That'd be great. Thanks."
"Ah, it's nothing."
He called the boy that was sitting next to him when the period ended and he came in our direction.
"This is Sophia." He said pointing to me. "She just arrived in our town."
"Oh, welcome, Sophia."
We walked together to the hallway and a girl hugged Scott from the behind. He turned and kissed her.
"Hey, Allison." Stiles said waving at her.
"Hi, Stiles. Hi..."
"I'm Sophia."
"She's new in town." Said Scott.
"I am too." Allison said. "Well I've been here for a month but I guess it's still new."
"Where's Lydia?" Asked Stiles and I could see Scott smiling.
"We haven't had any periods together so far."
"Hey guys, I'm so sorry, you are all being really nice. But I need to go. I just realized that I have no idea where my next period is. Bye."
"Bye, nice to meet you." Allison said.
"Bye, Sophia."
I left and started looking to my next class. I got there when the last bell rang.
"Hello, everyone." My teacher was... well... hot. "I'm Mr. Fitz and today..."
He stopped for a moment and stared into a girl sitting on my left side. Her phone beeped.
"Turn off that phone, please." He said looking to the other side.
"Yeah. Sorry." The girl said.
He started to talk again and I heard someone calling my name.
I turned and saw Hanna.
"Hi." I said waving and smiling.
"Wait a second." She said looking to the chair behind me. She grabbed her purse and sat on the chair behind me.
"I'm sorry Mr. Fitz. That chair was pitching me."
"Okay, just don't talk."
"Sure, Mr. Fitz."
She smiled at me.
"How is it going?"
"Good." I said.
"Good? That's all? I saw you leaving with Dean this morning. This can't be only good for you."
I smiled.
"Okay, maybe great."
"Dean is an awesome at least, Sophia!"
"Okay, okay. It was nothing anyways."
"If you say so..."
"Is it just me or this English teacher is..." I made an ok with my hand. She laughed.
"I can guarantee that's not only you."
We both laughed.
I arrived in my forth period. Third period was art. I love to draw. It was fine, but nothing really interesting happen. The girl from my last hour, the one whom cell phone beeped, was there but we didn't really talk. My forth period was History. I was glad to see Stiles sitting in the back by a fire-colored-hair girl. He waved at me and pointed at the seat in front of him.
"Hey..." I said sitting.
"Hi, Sophia. This is Lydia. Lydia, Sophia. Sophia, Lydia. She is new in town."
"Oh, hi." Said the girl smiling.
"Where did you move from?"
"LA." Stiles answered.
"I was asking her, Stiles. Anyways, I love LA. Already went there four times at least. Why did you move?"
"Ask my parents." I said rolling my eyes. "I loved there too."
"How long have you been here?"
"Since Saturday."
"Oh my God, that recent?"
The History teacher started talking.
"Lydia can tell you all about the lives of at least half of the school. This is practically a job for her."
"Stop, Stiles." She said smiling a little. "That's not true. But I can tell you some at lunch next period. So you won't be so lost."
"Thanks." I answered smiling.

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