Part 2: Meeting the Neighborhood

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In the morning I woke up and made some breakfast. My parents were still asleep. I got my phone.
- You were added in a group chat -
*laurel sent a message to "us"*
*lily sent a message to "us"*
*drake sent a message to "us"*
*lily sent a message to "us"*
I opened the messages.
Laurel: hey guys
Lily: omg finally someone created a group chat
Drake: now y'all will irritate me by messages too?
Lily: we love you too drake
Lily: now we can all talk to Sophia at the same time
Drake: true
Jake: hey guys
Jake: where's Sophia?
Me: I'm here
Lily: hey
Drake: how is it going?
Jake: do you already miss me?
Laurel: any hot guys?
Me: calm down guys
Me: here looks depressing but the people seem nice
Me: nothing compared to you guys though
Me: yes jake I'm already dying without you over here
Me: not for now Laurel but I still have hopes
Laurel: always hahahaha
I turned it off for a second and went upstairs to change. I put on my running clothes and got my headphones.
Outside was warm but nice. Even though I hated physical activities, mostly because they usually seem pointless like running after a ball or or throwing it around some sort of field, I was taking every and all possible excuses to free myself from my parents. I started running through the neighborhood until I saw an big but apparently old house. I stoped there for a moment I don't know why.
"You like it?"
Asked a girl that I just noticed sitting in front of the door and smoking a cigarette.
"Ahh, kind of. Is it yours?"
"You could say so. But this house has many owners." She looked at the door for a second. Creepy. "I'm Violet. Harmon."
"I'm Sophia. Anderson. I just moved here."
"Oh," she said putting the burnt part of the cigarette in contact with the cold cement floor "I moved here a few months ago."
"Do you like it?"
"No, I actually find everything extremely depressing. But don't take it from me, I usually find everything extremely depressing. What about you?"
"I got here yesterday but already miss my hometown. I feel like staying in my room's floor listening to sad songs the whole day."
She smiled.
"You seem like a nice person, which is really hard to find in our age. Do you go to high school?"
"Yeah. I'm a junior."
"Me too."
A woman opened the door.
"Violet, honey..." she saw me "hi! Who's that?"
"That's Sophia. She just moved over here."
"Oh, that's so nice. Where did you move from?"
"Los Angeles."
"That's amazing. Did you like it over there?"
"Yeah. I kinda miss it already."
"You'll like it over here too."
"I hope so."
"I'm Vivian." She said smiling. "If you and your family ever need anything you can ask us."
"Thanks, Mrs. Harmon."
"Do you wanna come in for a second? I think Moira is baking a cake." She said opening even more the door.
I saw a blond boy standing by the stairs. Staring at us.
"I'd love to but I totally lost track of the time running and my mom is going to kill me because she told me to unpack my stuff last night and I didn't. Thanks anyway, Mrs. Harmon."
"Sure. Another time, bye Sophia."
I looked at her and smiled.
"Bye, Mrs. Harmon. Bye, Violet."
When I looked back, the blond boy was gone. I ran away back on my house's direction.
When I got at my front door I saw a pair of green eyes staring at me.
"Hi." I said turning around and facing the boy standing next to a black car on the house right next to mine.
"Hey. You guys just moved right?" He was hot.
"Yep. Yesterday."
"I'm Dean. Dean Winchester."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Sophia... Anderson."
"Nice to meet you too. Are you still in high school?"
"Yeah. I'm a junior. Are you?"
He nodded.
"I'm a senior."
"Good for you. Closest to the end."
"Yeah, then comes college, university, a job... What a wonderful life we have, right?"
I smiled.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm just waiting to wake up someday, say 'screw it', grab my car and ride through the whole country. Only me, my car and my classic rock cassette tapes."
"That's a nice dream." I said laughing softly.
"What would be your 'screw it' dream?"
"I'd grab a backpack and travel the world. Just get to know different countries and explore amazing places."
"That's a great dream." He said. "Maybe someday you'll make it true."
"Dean!" Called another boy opening the door.
"I'm here, Sammy."
He looked at me for a second.
"You are our new neighbor, right?"
"Yeah. Sophia."
"Oh, I'm Sam. Welcome to the neighborhood."
"Thanks. How long have you boys lived here?"
"Not forever, we were born in Kansas. But our mom passed away and we ended up moving." Sam said.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Thanks. I'm sorry, Sophia, but we really need to get inside right now. See you around."
"Okay. Bye, Sam. Bye, Dean."
"Bye." Dean said and they both vanished into the house.
I finally passed through my front door. My parents were in the kitchen making lunch.
"Hi, sweetie. What time did you wake? You had a long run." Said my mom.
"Oh, I ended up meeting some people in the neighborhood. They seem nice."
"Oh, that's great, honey." Said my dad. "You'll make new friends quickly."
"Maybe... What do we have for lunch?"

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