Chapter One: Christmas Break Begins with a Bang

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Hey guys!! I'm super excited to say that I'm starting a sequel for Spies in Saddles! In fact, I enjoyed writing it so much that I have a series in mind...but I don't want to get ahead of myself, so right now it's just a sequel. I like the plot idea I have in mind and I hope you guys do, too. Please spread the word about this series, tell everyone, cuz it's going to be all I'm uploading, I think, not sure. I have another idea in mind but I dunno if I'm gonna have time to write both, so we'll see. I would love SiS to get more reads though cuz it encourages me to write, so please tell everyone! Thank you SO MUCH and please comment, tell me what you think of the new chapter!

Pic of Nat up there.

Also - little side note, I edited SiSaddles a little: Nat's niece's name is now CHRISTINA, so don't get confused, and Zach's last name is SULLIVAN. I only mentioned his last name once, so that shouldn't be too confusing, but remember Christina!! Okay, that's it. Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter One

Christmas Break Begins with a Bang

Most sequels start by summing up what happened in the first book, so I won't do that, but basically what happened is that I found out that Molly, one of my best friends, is a spy. And her older sister Maria. And my older brother Jer. And my cross-country coach. And a really sweet, hot, amazing boy named Zach who may or may not attend my brother school.

In short, everything about my normal Catholic school girl life was turned completely upside-down as I went after some kidnappers, got kidnapped myself, found out that chloroform really sucks...oh, and I got shot. But that's totally ancient history now, so if right now you find yourself completely lost and wondering if I'm crazy (can't promise I'm not), then you should probably go check out the first book, Spies in Saddles. If after that you're not convinced that I'm crazy, you probably are a spy, too.

I wish I could find a more creative way for this story to start, but the truth is that this one starts at school, too. Though I wasn't in algebra-two. Actually, I was sitting in last period honors chemistry, and for the first time that whole year, I wanted to get the heck out. Don't get me wrong, chem is okay and my teacher is the best, but it happened to be December 19, also known as the start of Christmas break. So even though we were eating cookies and having fun, the whole school setting thing downplayed the party atmosphere.

When that last bell finally rang, I stuffed the rest of my gingerbread boy into my mouth and dashed out the door, accompanied by other sophomores and juniors who were cheering loudly. In fact, most everyone in the halls was as they sprinted to their lockers and began packing their backpacks as if going on vacation.

I caught up with Kate on her way back from Spanish. She was groaning about some group speaking assignment she had gotten to be completed over break, but I told her to shut up because I really didn't want to think about work or school or exams for at least two weeks. After I stuffed almost every textbook I owned into my backpack in the slightest hope that maybe I'd study for midterms over break, I pulled off my saddle shoes, tugged on my Uggs, and waited for Kate to be ready.

Because Kate took so long, Molly got to our lockers before we had left. Her eyes were red and she was sniffing loudly as she swung a backpack that looked distinctly lighter than mine over her back - she never studied for exams.

"Why are you crying?" I demanded. "It's break! No school!"

"Molly loves school," said Kate seriously, finally slamming her locker shut and pushing stray blonde hairs out of her face. "She's gonna miss it so much - hey!" She rubbed her arm, where Molly had punched her. "What was that for?"

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