Chapter Three: Jer Takes the Protective-Older-Brother Thing a Little Extremely

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Hola :) had my first midterm exam today – AP Euro. It was super easy, hopefully the rest are too. Just Spanish tomorrow but we already did the listening and oral and most of the writing so it should be okay. I haven’t studied for practically anything, so you’re welcome for this upload :D and I’ve a four-day weekend this weekend whoohoo so hopefully loads more writing!! I love writing these books, and I have this awesome idea for the third I can’t wait to do – but anyway. I saw the Hobbit this weekend – SO GOOD. Better than the first I think and the guys were really hot haha I’ve been a Legolas fan since fourth grade even if he’s irrelevant. And Bard was super awesome. Anyway. Please enjoy this one and please comment and vote loads! Also – I made a change in SiSaddles: Zach’s last name was originally Hoffman but I changed it to Sullivan. Yeah.

Gracias! <vb123321

Chapter Three

Jer Takes the Protective-Older-Brother Thing a Little Extremely

Somewhere a band played a slow waltz, couples spinning out onto the dance floor to my right. Evening gowns swished softly against the glassy floor, beautiful colors striking against the black of their partners’ suits. Everyone around us chatted, laughed, drank, and danced, completely unaware of two teenagers standing off to the side by the drink table.

But I wasn’t aware of them, either, because my lungs were doing this funky thing where they decided not to take in oxygen. My heart pounded in my ears, slowly and steadily, and even though I wanted to yell at him and kiss him and cry all in the same breath, I had none to do any.

That smile never left Zach’s face as he reached forward and gently pried the punch glass away from my frozen fingers, setting it back down on the table. Placing his hand in mine, he began walking backwards onto the dance floor, pulling me with him. Since I wasn’t really in full control of my limbs, I stumbled and almost fell forwards, but his other hand caught my waist, steadying me.

“That’s right,” he said, green eyes sparkling. “Now you put your hand on my shoulder…”


My eyes widened, alarmed, but before I knew what was happening, he had tugged me forward and we merged into the swirling dancers on the glassy floor. I put my hand on his shoulder automatically, trying to concentrate on not tripping in my heels as we moved in slow circles but really only thinking about how good he looked in his suit: crisp white shirt and black jacket and red tie that somehow exactly matched the color of my dress.

“Do you know how to dance?” asked Zach as if we had actually talked to each other in the past month and a half.

I shook my head. “No, I’m more of a move my hips to the music and hope I don’t look like an idiot type dancer, I’ve never really done anything like this.”

“Well, you’re not doing too bad,” he said, smiling down at me, and I found a small smile creeping to my own lips. His hand was firm in my sweaty one, his eyes not even giving the other beautiful women around us a second glance, and then he released my waist, stepping away from me slightly and then pulling on my hand. I spun into him, my dress swishing around my thighs, and I found myself dipped back in his arms with his eyes inches from mine.

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