Chapter 2.2 Part 7

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Jashion and Jemma awoke to the dimmer light of the early evening. The heat of the day had warmed them, but in nearly every other way they were uncomfortable. Jashion was stiff, his leg ached, he was weak with hunger and thirst, and his head was cloudy. When he stirred Jemma had awoken and moved a few feet away from him reflexively. She was in better shape than Jashion, but still not well. She was warm then and she had drunk water in the stream before going to sleep. Still, her feet hurt and she was starving—twenty-four hours with no food was not compatible with her metabolism and the degree of energy she had exerted over the past day.

They spent some minutes sitting on the ground across from each other without looking at one other. Jashion was stretching his right leg, testing it before making any attempt to arise. Independent of the gash, his legs, arms, and back were sore from the events of the night. He had lost some blood and that, combined with his hunger and thirst, kept his mental state in a daze. There were perhaps two hours left of daylight by the looks of it. The forest was nearly quiet, but some sounds were heard. Not the least was the sound of the nearby stream.

"Ye found a stream, didn't ye?" he said, breaking the silence.

"Aye. It's not far, can ye walk?"

"Nay, but I must, I had."

Jashion shifted to a kneeling position and then put his left foot on the ground. The movements sent sharp pains from his gash. He stayed in that position for a few seconds bowing his head down. Jemma hopped up on her tender bare feet and walked over to offer what help she could. With some effort, and in obvious discomfort, Jashion made it to his feet. The stretching sent more pain; as he shifted his weight to the right leg he wondered if he shouldn't just sit back down. But he had no choice. Both he and Jemma would starve right there if he didn't move.

Jemma reached up and grabbed his right hand. She would lead him to the stream and thought that by holding his hand she was taking some of his weight. The two made it slowly toward the stream, stopping frequently. The stream was down a small incline. Jemma could make it up and down easily, but the extra burden was very difficult for Jashion. Finally, he sat down and scooted himself down to the stream. The water was cold and very refreshing. He knelt over the stream and cupped his hands, drinking in as much as he could. Once his thirst was partially abated he sat back and removed his shoe from his right foot. He gently put his right leg into the stream up to his knee. Once the gash was submerged he felt an exceedingly sharp sting. He sat back, closed his eyes, and waited it out. Eventually the stinging stopped and the coolness of the water helped it to feel better.

When he opened his eyes again Jemma was nowhere in sight. Sitting there with his leg in the stream he began to look around. It was getting darker and very shadowy, yet the visibility was still tolerable. As he listened intently he heard occasional rustling of leaves and he would turn his head to look. He did not see anything move. After several minutes, he decided to call out.

"Jemma. Where is ye?"

For several minutes it was still. It felt calm and peaceful. The sound of the rushing water of the stream combined with an occasional bird call contrasted beautifully to the night before. He became psychologically settled enough that he could begin to reflect upon what had happened. Everyone was gone. He had no home. A chill ran up his back as he visualized Siccly being taken. He recalled the fire and the fury. He had watched his friends and companions burn. Currently his life was spared, but he was in a precarious position himself. His only companion was a little child whom he would have to protect and care for. He was injured and had never been away from food, from shelter, and fire.

Jashion's heart was heavy, but his physical hunger began to gnaw at him and awaken him from this dread. His head was finally clear, and he felt some renewal to his strength.

"Jemma. Jemma," he called out again.

This time, from across the stream, he heard more significant rustling of the leaves, and Jemma shortly appeared. She had something in her hands. A large shadow was over the area from which she appeared, and he could not get a good look at her. She began to walk into the stream and over towards him. In her hands was a sprig of red berries.

"Ye hadn't any, had ye?" he called out once he saw what she was carrying.

Jemma stopped in the middle of the stream and looked as though she was about to get a scolding.

"Aye, me's eaten a bunch. These is for ye. There's more, there is." She continued on towards him. She arrived in front of him and looked at him pleadingly.

Jashionbeckoned her to come and sit next to him. He was worried that the berries werepoisonous. However, explaining that to her didn't make much sense. She hadeaten them by the bunches, he could see from the stains on her face, hands, andnightgown. All he would do is frighten her at this point. She handed him thesprig full of berries.;marg6

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