Chapter Four

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We walked to a frozen yogurt shop that was about ten minutes away on the boardwalk. It was quite hot out, so I was excited for a cold treat, but my cousins probably needed it more.

When we got to the shop, I volunteered to go to the counter and tell them our orders while Carol, Andrew, and Gavin sat at a table. I walked to the counter and no one was there so I waited while looking at a menu card. Soon a young women about my age, a little older, came up to the counter. She had long, brown, beautifully blown hair. She had a sweet smile and asked what I would like to order. Just like Harry, she sounded a little different. She was very sweet.

"I'll have a Cherry Berry, Orange Cream, and two Blueberry Blitz please." I gave her a smile back. She giggled and said, "Woah! That's a big order. You aren't eating that all by yourself are you?" She wrote down the order and quick pinned it on a rotating wheel that sent the order to the back.

"No, I'm here with my aunt and cousins for the Summer and we decided to get some frozen yogurt," I answered back.

She stuck her hand out and I shook it. "Well, I'm Eleanor Calder. It's nice to meet you," she said. "I'm Aimii Burrows." A young man that worked in the back said the order was ready and passed it through the small window to her. She told me what I owed her so I gave her the money my aunt gave me and she started to count my change.

"Hey. Since you're new here, why don't you come with me to a bonfire tonight. It's on the beach. Say, nine o'clock?" She handed me my change as she invited me to this shindig. I thought about it for a minute and ahe added, "Come on. It'll be fun. A few of my friends will be there and I can introduce you to them." I guess I could make a few friends while I'm here.

I jumped up and down excitedely and said, "Sure! It sounds fun!" She started to write down something on the receipt and shoved it my way.

"Here's my number let me know when your heading down," she said with a huge smile spread across her face and clapping a little bit. She was quite the happy girl with tons of energy and full of sweetness. I thanked her for inviting me and I took the tray of frozen yogurt back to the table.

"I see you made a new friend," Aunt Carol stated. I smiled and said that I did. I sat down and passed the yogurt around. I told them her name and how she invited me to a bonfire tonight with her friends. "Well, that's great, " she pushed my shoulder playfully, "You'll have many people to keep you occupied this Summer." She gave me a smile. Soon, we finished our yogurt and started tobhead back to the house.


When we got to the house, it was around five-thirty so I had plenty of time to change clothes and such if I wanted to, but I don't think I will. Instead, I fed Sheldon with the fish food Gavin picked up earlier in the morning.

After I finished feeding Sheldon, I took the reciept Eleanor gave me and put her phone number in my phone so I would have it for later. Then, I went into Carol's room where I saw her laying in bed watching Full House on the television. I snuggled up to her on the bed and asked her how she was. "Oh, Aunt Carol isn't feeling too well, hun."

"Why is that?" I asked her. She turned off the television and just shrugged her shoulders. Her answer was, "I haven't been feeling up to par lately is all." I wrapped my arma around her and gave her the best hug I could considering we were laying down.

"Just let me know if you need anything, okay? I can help you of you need my assistance." We both laughed.

"Aimii, I'm sick not elderly." We laughed some more and then, we just laid there until quarter to nine talking about anything and everything under the sun. We made small jokes, most about the boys. Every now and then they would come in and see what we were up to which was always the aame thing: just talking.


I walked down the beach, seeing a big bonfire towards the end of it. I grabbed my phone out of the pocket of my skirt and dialed Eleanor.

Ring...ring...ri ng...

"Hello?" She answered.

"Eleanor? It's Aimii from earlier," I said tucking a string of hair behind my ear, "I'm walking down the beach to the fire. Meet me half way?"

"Aimii! Sure, I'm walking now. See you in a bit!" After that we hung up and I continued walking. Halfway there I saw a black dot ahead and it was her. We greeted each other and walked to the bonfi re. She talked about her friends. "You'll love them! They're kind of reserved but they'll warm up to you."

Once we got there I saw many faces. There was a girl with Blonde hair and a color streak in it. She was quite friendly when we said hi to eachother. "My name's Perrie, and you are?" I told her my name and that was it. She stood with a man's arm wrapped around her waist. He was a darker man with a quiff and was smoking a cigarette. This man had just as many tattoos as Harry. He took puffs every now and then. His name was Zayn.

As Eleanor introduced me to others, I met another guy whom was blond and his name was Niall. He was feeding the fire more wood as we met. "It's nice to meet ya, Aims." I took in the fact that he had an accent himself. I believe it was Irish. I noticed he didn't have any tattoos, and seemed very chilled. He cracked a joke that lightened the tension from when we met. He could tell I was nervous.

The last person I met was Liam. He had quite a lot of tattoos and his hair was buzzed. It kind of gave him the whole tough demeanor, but he ended up being a really nice guy.

Eleanor and I took our seats on a couple of logs by the fire. "There's still two others, but they haven't shown up yet," said Liam. I had noticed when I talked to each one of them, they all had an accent just like Harry's. I thought maybe they knew him, but then I second guessed it and kicked the thought out of my head.

By now we were all sitting around the fire when we heard two rowdy guys walking up to the fire. I didn't look in the direction of the noise right away, but when I did I saw him. He was with the fellow I saw him with the other day.

Harry looked in my direction and had the same stunned look on his face. "This is Louis," Eleanor pointed to the other guy, "and this is Harry." She pointed to him.

"Hey, Aimii," Harry said with a smirk.

"you guys know each other?" Eleanor asked us.

"Yeah, she stopped in my store earlier," he answered for us. Louis took the empty log by Eleanor and she said, "Louis' my boyfriend." He wrapped his arm around her and pecked her a kiss on the top of her head. Harry took the empty log next to me and smirked. "Well, guess we'll be seeing each other more often." He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it. Well, this I did not expect.

Hey! How are you doing? My phone is about to die! ENJOY!!!! :) :)

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