Chapter Five

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Everyone was still sitting around the bonfire at eleven-thirty. Niall was feeding more wood to the fire while everyone made small talk with one another. I tried focussing mpre on the others, but was hard to feeling a pair of green eyes on you all night.

I was having a conversation with Liam while we were making snacks when Harry came up behind me and spooked me with his voice. "Wanna go for a walk with me, Aimii?" I looked to Liam to see if it would be all right if I went. I didn't want to seem rude by just up and leaving him. He nodded his head, giving me the reassurance that it was okay.

Harry and I walked in the wet sand with our shoes in hand. Neither one of us talked. All we could hear was the gentle sound of the tide pulling in and out. We continued to walk until we stumbled upon a huge, flat rock where we took a seat on, tossing our shoes to the ground. "How come you haven't talked to me all night?" Harry's question stunned me. I didn't really know what to say.

"I guess I was more interested in getting to know your friends rather than you since we've already encountered each other before." I stole a quick glance at Harry to see what he thought about my answer. A slight smirk grew on his face as he scooted closer, leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Maybe I wanted to get to know you." I shoved Harry's chest a little with my small hands to push him away a bit. He was too close for comfort. "Come on, Aimii. I've dealt with you ignoring me all night. Now, it's time to give me some attention." Harry pushed me back a little on the rock and I hit my head on it making me wince, but not hard enough that'll it would hurt in the morning. He slammed his hand flat on the hard surface. I could feel his heavy breath on my neck and one of his hands go under my skirt, gradually sliding up my thigh. Harry was being so forward. It was too much for me. I never actually engaged in anything sexual. I've only ever read about it out of curiosity, wondering what everything was like having never done anything before.

I soon felt a pair of lips leaving a trail of wet kisses down my neck. While squirming under Harry, I continually pushed Harry's chest. This time I pushed a little harder. "Harry, stop. I don't like this!" I squealed. I gave him one last pushed and he toppled off of me and into the wet sand. I quickly got on my feet and gathered my sandals. "What'd you do that for?" Harry questioned me as if it was no big deal what he had just done.

"You can't just do what you did and expect me not to react the way I did!" I screamed. We were too far away from the bon fire for the others to hear us. My bare feet hurried through the wet sand along the shoreline in the opposite direction of the bon fire, leaving Harry sitting in the sand. "Where are you going?" He yelled.

"Home." I had enough tonight. Whipping my phone out of my skirt pocket, I dialled Eleanor's number. Within a few seconds, she picked up. I told her where I was going and goodnight.


Walking through the patio door, I saw the boys sitting in the living room watching TV. I closed the door with more fprce than usual. "Hey Aimii. Is everything okay?" Asked Gavin. I assured them thay everything was all right. If they knew I was even near Harry without them, they would have the biggest cow not even a barn could hold.

I went down the hallway and peered into the door out Aunt  Carol's bedroom and saw her sound asleep in her cozy bed. I quietly closed her door and went into my room and threw myself onto my bed. What just happend? Questions started flying in and out of my head. All I needed was sleep and plenty of it. I pealed off my clothes and took a pair of pajamas out of one of the drawers of the dressers. I quickly slid them on and climbed into bed, hoping to sleep off the memory of what happened.

-Oh my god. It's been too long since I've updated and it's so short. I'm so sorry. :o

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