Chapter One

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It rained on the way to my aunt's. Luckily, just two hours away from her house, it stopped. Once I approached her driveway, I saw my cousins outside waiting for me. I quickly unbuckled my your name what you need seatbelt and got out of the car, running to them. "Gavin! Andrew! I missed you so much!" They gave me the biggest squeeze they could before I finally told them I couldn't breath.

"It's good to see you, Aimii." Andrew and Gavin are both older than me by a year and two, making them 18 and 19 years old. They've always treated me like a little sister.

"It's great to see you too. where's Carol?" They both looked at each other and Said, "Inside." I ran past them and inside the house, seeing Aunt Carol standing in the living room with wide open arms.

"There's my Aimii! Come give me a hug. " I walked up to her with a huge smile plastered on my face, and we wrapped our arms around each other. Her hugs are always warm, sincere, and always ends with a little wiggle at the end. She gives the best hugs.

"Hi, Aunt Carol. I missed you," I said.

"Oh I missed you too, honey." We released ourselves from our grasps. With a quick look around I noticed nothing changed a bit. Furniture in the same place, the picture of me, Gavin, and Andrew hung ever so carefully on the wall by the hallway, and the scent of the ocean coming in through the patio.

Carol sat on the peach colored sofa and patted the spot next to her, signalling for me to sit down. I plopped right next to her. "So, tell me dear. How are your parents doing?" She questioned.

"They're doing all right. They're sorry they couldn't make it this time around, what with work and stuff. They send their love though." I gave her a weak smile.

She patted my back and said, "Oh, it's okay. We'll just plan a lot more to do -" she was cut off by Gavin and Andrew walking in with my suitcases and small bags and tossing them on the kitchen floor. I turned around and looked at them over the island in the kitchen gave them a toothy grin.

"Thanks for bringing in my bags guys, but you didn't have too."

Andrew threw me a 'Just let us do this for you' look, and Gavin chimed in "Eh, you'll just owe us."

"Oh, will I now?"

"Yep. You're going to the boardwalk with us later tonight," Andrew stated.

"And what if I don't?" I questioned them.

"Then you're gonna have to hangout all by yourself," said Gavin.

"Nuh uh. I'll hang out with Aunt Carol," and with that I gave her a quick sqeeze.

"Actually hun I don't feel too well. You'll have to hang with the boys this evening," then she giggled.

"Guess you're stuck with us." Andrew shrugged, followed by a short laugh.

I flashed them a bright grin and said, "I guess I can hang with you! Now hook me up and help me take my stuff to my room, please?" I got up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a suitcase and bag. They each picked up a bag and I followed them down the hall into the oh so familiar room that would be called mine for the next three months.

They threw the bags onto the bed that was adorned with a purple comforter and sheets and Gavin said, "There ya go, Aimii. Get settled in. We'lll be eating supper in about a half hour."

I let out a squeak and happily said, "What are we eating?"

"That, my cousin, is a surprise."

"Intriguing me are you?" I said.

Andrew answered, "You're gonna love it. We'll leave you with that." He threw me a wink, and left the room, closing the door behind them.

I unloaded all my stuff onto my bed. I put all my clothea away and hung up a poster of two giant starfish my dad got me when he went on a business trip last spring in Florida. I've always loved starfish. When I was younger, I'd try to pull them off of rocks. "Perfect," I said as I stared at it amazed.

I walked over to the giant window in my room. It overlooked the ocean. When I opened it, I could hear waves crashing against giant rocks. I whispered to myself, "So beautiful."

"Isn't it?" I turned around startled at first, but relaxed at the sight of Aunt Carol. She walked over to me and said, "and you'll get to see it all summer." She wrapped her arm around me, and I did to her as well. "I'm really glad you came this summer, hun."

"I am too."

"Well, I think supper is ready. Shoiuld we head out there? " she asked.

"yeah, I'm a starving marvin," I saI'd with a giggle. We walked through the living room and into the kitchen to meet a wonderful smell. The smell of...wait a second. Could it be? "Did uou guys make what I think you di'd?" I squeaked out.

"Your favorite; chicken dumpling soup," they said in unison.

"Oh my God. You guys are awesome," I sang.

"Take a seat at the island. We'll get a bowl ready for ya. Aunt Carol and I sat down at the island and awaited to be served. Within a minute, we were all sitting down eatibg the delicious soup. My tastebuds were filledbwith eternal bliss. It was gone so fast I couldn't believe it.

"I guess it was good," Gavin laughed.

"Yep. Delicious," I answered.

"Well while we're eating you should go do whatever you gotta do before we leave for the boardwalk. We're leaving right after this," said Andrew.

"All right." I hopped off my stool and put my dirty dishes in the sink. "I'll be in my room. Let me know whe. you're ready," I said cheerfully.

Okay, how good was that? I know this is only the first chapter but when I first started two months ago, myb internet went down and I just got a new phone so I dod all of this on it. Be proud?

:) Please let me know what you guys think? Also, sorry if it short, I can't tell due to this being on a phone. Haha!

-Hannah ♥

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