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I've learned that pressing through the hardest times is always worth it at the end, but I will say it's no fun. Constant stress and weight upon your shoulder and worrying can do more harm then you would think. No matter the problem or situation it's never too big for God. Having faith is the biggest step and problem we all have, because our human vision can't see a way. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." We worry so much, but why? We forget that God is so big and He made us and life itself wasn't intended to be easy, but God always makes a way. We put God so small, when really He is the king of all. He created you and I and He knows our problems. Sometimes different trials and situations is put into our lives to test us for different reasons, but sometimes the reason is to see if we have our full faith and trust in God. Having faith though is easier said then done. We may lose our faith at times or doubt that God will help us make it through, but God will help us make it through because God Always does. We may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but that's where faith comes in. We have to trust God and place it in his hands and have faith he will come through. However, we also have to do our part and pray and everything in our power to Best the situation because faith without works is dead. We can't expect God to do all the work and us lay back and do nothing. Faith is hard sometimes because in our minds we see the problem impossible to fix, but God is only wanting you to put your trust in Him. When we see bills pile up, stress on our hands, overwhelmed with the things of the world it's hard to lose faith, but we must pray and put our trust in the Lord.

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