I have no choice I hear your voice...(A harry Potter Fanfiction)

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Hello hello! I'm going on an editing and rewriting rampage right now so this chapter has now been completely changed! I'm going to go on and edit and change the rest of the story and then hopefully continue...thank you for bearing with me! Enjoy! Xoxo

Here's Miranda...kind of.

When you're told things your whole life by your parents

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When you're told things your whole life by your parents...you're usually supposed to believe them. You're supposed to think that the things that they tell you are true. But what if you know that it's all wrong?

I'm Miranda.

That's Miranda Abraxas Malfoy. I was named after my grandfather...isn't that nice?

I'm very different than the rest of the Malfoys, my family and I don't exactly see eye to eye on very many things. I'm most definitely the black sheep of the bunch, That doesn't mean that my life is horrible or that I'm mistreated or anything like that though.
My mother is great, absolutely fantastic. She's a sweet, caring and slightly over protective mother...she's always there when I need to talk and we never ever fight. She's usually calm and level headed and she always knows how to make me feel better. She's beautiful and smart and I love her greatly.

My brother is my best friend, we've always been attached at the hip and we know everything about each other. So yes, that does mean that I know how he treats people when he is away at school...and no I do not agree with it at all. Draco uses harsh words and mean actions to cover up his insecurities...no matter how many times I try and help him work things out he goes right back to doing the same thing. But at home he's friendly and funny and my other half. I mean we are twins after all. I could pretty much read his mind...and he could almost read mine. We were inseparable.
Now my father...my father is strict and very hard to please. He is cold and harsh, and he never has a pleasant view of things. He does not favor me because of how I view things like blood status. But that does not mean that he doesn't love me, he does. I'm his daughter and he does truly care for me...he just doesn't know how to really show it.

Now that the whole family thing is out of the way let me explain some things. I went to an all girls witching academy...which is why I didn't attend Hogwarts. I had gotten my letter of acceptance at the same time as Draco but my father told me he thought I might be better off somewhere else. I think that he was scared to see where I'd be placed within Hogwarts and that I could taint the family name or something stupid like that. He told me that in order to be a proper witch Draco and I needed to be separated. Meaning I was stuck at an all girl's private institution learning how to sit up straight, drink tea, and ballroom dance while Draco was getting to play quidditch and goofing off with friends.
Anyway I was never really able to make friends at the academy and I never really fit in so I devised a plan to ensure my expulsion, they gave me my first warning when I bewitched all of the toilets to over flow successfully flooding the whole first floor, my second warning came when I caused the potions lab to explode...that one was almost an accident...when they say stir three times only, they apparently really mean it.
My final warning and moment of expulsion came when I turned the head master into a chicken. That technically could have been my third warning but when I turned her  back and she couldn't stop making chicken noises they told me to pack my bags. 
I was sent home ready to finally go to Hogwarts with my brother like I should have in the first place.

Entering Hogwarts for the first time to start my fifth year is a little nerve wracking. I'm worried that people will immediately recognize me as being a Malfoy and will hate me...not that many people even know about my existence.  Mostly because my only break from school was one short month in the summer.
It took Draco's friend Blaise years to even see me in our home, I had just come home from school one summer and Blaise saw me and freaked out thinking that Draco had somehow turned himself into a girl. I remember it like it was yesterday, he grabbed on to my shoulders and shook me yelling out "Draco?! Bloody hell!!" Complete and utter shock and fear in his eyes. I tried to explain to him that I wasn't Draco but he kept yelling at me asking what I had done. Finally after a very long two minutes or so Draco walked in hearing all the commotion and Blaise kind of understood.
Now Blaise is just kind of creepy.

Draco and I don't even look exactly the same...we have the same hair color but my hair is wavy and slightly curly and very long. Also only one of my eyes has a section of the stormy grey color that Draco has...oh and we are no where near the same hight what so ever...Draco is probably eight inches taller than me (I'm really short. Maybe about five one or two)
But despite that there is no doubt that we look related.

I'm snapped out of my random thoughts by a knock at my bedroom door.  I focused back on my half packed trunk sitting in front of me on the floor.
"Yes?" I called, knowing that Draco was the one knocking.
My brother's white blonde head poked into my room.
"Are you finished packing? Mum is ready to apperate us to the station." He waltzed into my room and plopped down on my bed.
I sigh and keep adding textbooks to my plain black trunk.
"I suppose I'm almost done...I got a bit distracted thinking about Hogwarts." A light pink tinge worked its way up to my cheeks, my stomach filled with butterflies as I mentioned the name. Draco chuckled and I mumbled at him to shut up before adding more of my belongings to my trunk.
"I figured that might happen." He teased as he started handing me piles of things on the floor to pack away .
I quickly shoved everything into my trunk before latching it and standing up with a stretch.
"There all done." He said with a smile, and a small laugh. I grinned back and gave him a high-five.

I did a quick once over of my room to make sure I had gotten everything I would need for this school year.
I assumed I did because my room looked positively barren. I took a long calming breath.
"Thank you. I suppose we can go now." I said as we both headed for my door. I grabbed my backpack and my trunk and followed Draco downstairs to our awaiting mother.
My mother smiled lovingly at us, she looked lovely as always, her long blonde hair was pinned back and her lips were a deep red. She wore a black dress and had a shiny black handbag, I swear my mother could have been a muggle movie star.
I smiled back at my beautiful mother and the butterflies stopped...for a moment

This is it.
I'm going to Hogwarts.

What could go wrong?

I have no choice, I hear your voice...(A harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now