"Who is your brother?"

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Hi again I'm just here to say that this chapter has been edited...enjoy!

We apperated just outside of the station and my nerves started to slowly turn into excitement.
"Come on now, run on through." My mother said waving a perfectly manicured hand at the wall between platform nine and ten.
I let out a long breath and grabbed my trunk with one hand and held my other hand out for Draco who laughed slightly before grabbing onto my hand.
We did a sort of speed walk towards the wall and I closed my eyes tightly. I felt a sort of tugging sensation and I opened my eyes.
Draco and I quickly moved out of the way before we got trampled and moved closer to the platform.
I couldn't even begin to take everything in! It was a completely amazing sight! I studied the bright and bustling train station with eagerness and excitement, Draco tugged at my arm and pulled me toward him as our mother gracefully walked through the platform.
I followed the two of them to a little spot beside the train where they stared conversing and I kept feasting my eyes on the sight in front of me.
There were people everywhere!
Teary-eyed parents and students moving all about, there were owls and cats and other creatures in cages stacked near the train waiting to go aboard the magnificent red engine.
I can't believe that I'm about to go to Hogwarts!
Hogwarts...bloody hell, Hogwarts was like this huge magical kingdom in my mind. I had always thought about it as this magical fairytale kingdom that I would never be able to experience:
The bustling station was staring to get overwhelming...I closed my eyes and pictured my version of Hogwarts.
The large, never ending stone castle that was so tall and grand that it kissed the clouds. The huge dark and mysterious lake with the giant squid lazily swimming about and dozing in the sunshine...and the dangerous and slightly over grown trees and shrubbery.
I thought about all the thousands of stairs and portraits.
Princesses adorned in dresses matching their house colors and knights with flaming red hair....not to mention all the princes walking about with smirks on their faces.

Okay, okay so I may have gotten a little carried away there, but no matter what I know that Hogwarts is going to be bloody brilliant.
I focus my attention back onto the station...Draco and mum were still talking at a quite murmur so I decided to make myself busy trying to study all the faces in the crowd.
I could easily tell the new kids apart from the rest just by their expressions...I'm sure my face probably matched theirs, awestruck and excited. Then there were the popular kids and I watched as they ignored other students greetings and pushed their way through the crowd with noses turned in the air.
Just when I had locked my eyes on a boy with gingery hair my brother tapped me on the shoulder.
I knew it was almost time to go and excitement started to bubble out of me, I started to bounce up and down slightly on the balls of my feet.

"Is it time to go yet?! Can we get on the train?" I asked Draco still bouncing up and down.
He looked down and me with a raised eyebrow before shaking his head at me and laughing.

"Relax Miranda." he teased with a smirk. He laughed again and brought his hands to my shoulders and pushed down to make me stop bouncing.

I looked up at him shocked, relax?! Is he crazy?! How am I supposed to relax when I'm about to go to the most magical place in the world?! And I mean come on...look at all the cute boys! I finally wiped the shocked expression off my face and responded to my brother.

"Are you kidding?! I can't 'relax'! I'm so excited!" I said pulling his hands of my shoulders and making air quotes around the word relax. I grinned up at him, and he gave me a one armed hug.

"Whatever you say Miranda" he responded trying to wipe the smile off of his face.

We looked up as mum let out a small laugh. She looked at us and her eyes sparkled a bit...she looked almost proud. The expression was fleeting though and it was replaced by her watery eyes and her slight frown.

I have no choice, I hear your voice...(A harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now