Chapter #37 ~ Creak

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Three days before her brother would die and Creak couldn't believe they were almost there. Aria told her Musicilous was only two miles into the Arkenine Mountains, which was a lot closer than Creak had expected.

Her legs burned beneath her, as she walked into the wind on a steep incline. She couldn't think about anything, but Vern and what would happen to him. He never would have been in danger if he hadn't met her. Creak couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault.

Stans dying and Vern captured. None of it would have happened if she hadn't rebelled. Yet here she was.

Slipping on loose rocks, Creak fell and slammed her chin on the ground. Riptide picked her up and kept an arm around her as they walked.

Rip was normally quiet, but today it was different. The way he moved... it was like he was walking to his death.

'Maybe he is.' Creak thought miserably. 'Something bad happens to anyone who meets me.'

Gorgos laughed in her head. "Ha! You must be cursed!"

Maybe she was.

Creak looked at Rip, his eyes the color of the mountains. "Rip, do you think I'm cursed?"

He looked down at her and shook his head. "It's not your fault and there's nothing you can do now."

He looked at the long path ahead of them. "You can't change the past."

Creak knew he was right, but it didn't make her feel any better. She knew she needed to get Vern back and she knew she couldn't do it by herself. "Will you help me, Rip? Will you help me get him back?"

Rip didn't look at her. He couldn't look at her. "If I can."

Creak accepted that. It was better than nothing and at the moment it felt like all she had.

* * *

"There!" A guard called and pointed at them.

Creak wasn't sure how long she had been walking with Rip supporting her, but finally they were there.

Built into the side of a mountain, the rebel kingdom was beautiful. A small castle made of soft, grey rock with a small city of stone surrounding it.

It was smaller than she had expected, but it was a safe haven in a world of danger. She never thought she would make it, yet here she was.

Two guards came to help Core and Stans.

"Woah!" One of them gasped. "What happened?"

Core shook his head. "I'll fill you in at the briefing, just get this man some help."

The guard nodded. "Yes, of course." He looked at all of them. "Please. Follow me."

Creak was so tired she wasn't sure what was happening. The guard lead them through the city and past it's wide-eyed citizens. They all gaped at them and glared when their eyes landed on Riptide. He still wore the traveling gear of a royal knight and in a place like Musicilous that wasn't accepted.

It took only ten minutes to reach the front gate of the castle, but it felt like days. Stans needed help and Creak couldn't wait any longer.

They were hurried inside and to a great throne room. It was beautiful and filled with music. Real music! People were singing and playing instruments! Creak had never seen, or heard, anything like it. The only person more surprised than her was Rip, who tensed at the sound.

He had been taught that music was evil and right now he was in the very heart of evil.

The music stopped at their presence and Creak shrank against Rip. So many eyes were on them. Creak didn't like having everyone's attention.

Core and Aria walked up the rebel queen and bowed in unison. "My queen." They said together.

The lady on the throne looked fierce with straight, salt and pepper hair and sharp grey eyes. Creak didn't want to be on the wrong side of her favor.

The queen's eyes widened at the sight of Stans, bloody and half-dead. She looked at Core and Aria. "You two are dismissed. Please, take that man to the infirmary."

They nodded. "Yes, Queen Isabelle."

Once they had left, Creak felt something in her loosen. Her brother would be okay. They had made it. Stans would be fine.

The queen then looked at Creak and Riptide. "Guards!" She called and pointed at Rip. "Arrest that man!"

Creak hadn't seen that coming and she refused to let it happen. She had just lost her best friend. She was not going to lose Rip too.

As the guards came to take Rip away, Creak stepped between them. "No!" She glared at them. "You can't have him!"

She felt something in her break. They couldn't have him! She wouldn't let them!

The room was dead silent as Queen Isabelle stood from her throne and looked at Creak. "It's not your decision."

Creak glared at the queen and smiled a crazy grin. "I said you can't have him." She felt a growl rise in her throat.

She would not let this happen. She had been through too much. She had lost too much.

The queen sighed. "Arrest both of them."

Creak screamed and launched herself at the guards as they came closer. She would have fought every single one of them if Rip hadn't grabbed her from behind.

"Let go of me!" She screamed and tried to free herself from his grip.

"No." Rip growled in her ear. "You're going to play nice. If you want to help Vern and your brother you're going to have to do what they say."

Creak felt the fight drain out of her. She needed her brother healed and Vern free. Only the rebels could help her now.

Pushing Creak behind him, Riptide looked at the queen and bowed.
"Your majesty." He spoke powerfully. "I'll go peacefully if you don't punish the girl."

The queen glared at Creak before nodding. "Fine."

The guards grabbed Riptide and dragged him out of room, leaving Creak alone in a room full of people.

She stood glaring before the queen. She had almost lost her brother, she had lost her best friend, and now she had lost Riptide. Whether any of it was worth it or not, Creak didn't care.

She was done accepting defeat.

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