Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Once Annabeth was ready at her cabin, she walked down to the lake to see what everyone had in store for the Stoll brothers. She was wearing a modest purple bikini. Annabeth didn’t show much skin, but that didn’t mean that she wanted to wear one piece bathing suits for the rest of her life. Besides, unlike most of the girls in the Aphrodite cabin, Annabeth liked the way she looked. Almost everyone in that cabin thought they were either too fat or too skinny. Annabeth thought she was perfect.

Well, there was that one imperfection.

On her right shoulder was a giant ragged scar from Ethan Nakamura. He was trying to kill Percy during one of the battles of the war last summer. Annabeth had sensed that Percy was in danger and intercepted the poisoned knife. She almost died for him.

After Kronos was defeated, Annabeth passed out in Percy’s arms. The sun god, Apollo, had taken her away from Percy and Grover to heal her. Once Annabeth regained consciousness, she noticed that Apollo was frowning.

“What is it,” she asked, a little worried.

“You got pretty hurt on the shoulder,” the god mused.

“Yeah, it was a poisoned knife. Your son Will Solace tried to heal it as best as he could. But I went back into battle without it fully healing and I hurt it even more. Is it really bad?”

“Oh, I healed your shoulder just fine, Daughter of Athena. It’s just that I can’t make this scar go away. All of your injuries are healed just fine and they won’t scar. But this one won’t go away.”

“Oh,” Annabeth said simply, and then she heard a door open. Someone walked inside.

“Maybe I can help,” said a lovely voice. Annabeth recognized it as Aphrodite.

“I don’t really think you can help here Aphrodite,” Apollo said a little sternly. “You’re area of expertise is in love. This is my forte here.”

“But my dear Apollo, you just said the very reason why I can possibly help.”

“Really?” The god seemed confused.

“My area of expertise is love,” the goddess began and looked at Annabeth, “she got this injury saving the boy she loves the most. Am I right?” Annabeth nodded, not really following what was going on. “You can heal her all you want but this scar won’t go away. This scar is a symbol of her love for Percy Jackson. You can’t heal it because love can’t be healed.”

“What?! You can’t be serious,” the god shouted.

“I am being very serious. Besides, Annabeth knows this is true, right dear?”

Annabeth stared at her hands and nodded. “Yes.”

Aphrodite smiled and clapped her hands. “Well if you’re done playing doctor, we have a ceremony waiting. Come on you three!”

Three? Annabeth turned to see Thalia sitting with a pair of crutches next to her.

“You heard all of that, didn’t you?”

Thalia stood and put her crutches under her arms. “Every word.”

Annabeth smiled and rolled her eyes. “Of course you did.”

Then the two walked out into the throne room where thirteen gods, a satyr, and a new hero waited.

Annabeth snapped out of the memory. She then grabbed her towel and walked down to the lake.

Once she got there, she saw Piper sitting next to Leo. He was whispering something in her ear. Jason was on the other side of her, taking in the sun.

Thinking of You- A Percy Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now