Chapter two

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Ok continuing cause a friend wanted more yaoi an less fluff lol she's werid... oh wait that's me hahahha. Well the being weird is haha! opening anyone?

Heba: she doesn't own a thing except the plot! and I will kill her if I go insane *laughs evilly.*

Jazzy: o_o ...okay now that that's settled on with the story! And sorry this is late >~< I'm sick and have been very busy with early exams and moving :3 well enjoy


I was surprised to him standing there like things were normal. In the sense he didn't just have his heart torn into pieces by this 'Yami' guy. Though Ryou is acting strange as well. Malik on the other hand, I think whoever those guys were didn't do anything to him. I mean he's got an apartment now and a good job paying so yeah I believe he's fine.

"Heba!" familiar voices yell simultaneously. Flushing slightly from embarrassment, I glanced at Ryou and Yugi. They're both looking pretty normal again. Maybe they're coping.

"What's up guys?" I asked glancing to my watch on my left arm. It read 10:15 am. They both shuffled as I waited for their responses. Yugi spoke up first.

"Heba why are we up so early? It's only 3 am!" He practically shouted obviously irritated. Double checking my watch I realized it said 'PM' instead of 'AM'.

Chuckling I smiled sheepishly at them. "Sorry guys it's still on Egypt time." Yugi stormed back into his room and Ryou stayed still for a moment.

"Heba," his smooth soft voice rang out "Thank you for being concerned about me but there's no need to be." he smiled reassuringly. he gave a slight wave and stubbled back into his soaked bed.

Sighing I dragged him off his bed and continued walking to the guest room.

"Sleep in here since I soaked your bed." I mumbled as he curls up under the dry bedding.

"Night Heba." He said gently falling into the bed.

"Good night Ry." I murmured before crossing the hall into my room. I don't exactly know what happened but I know they are gonna get through this. And if I ever meet the guys who played with their emotions then I swear I will murder them.

Speaking I murder, there's been a lot recently. I hope no one I know gets hurt. The killers targets have ranged from blondes to people who have white hair. I'm worried about Malik because he doesn't keep in touch often. At least Ryou is safe with me here. Still thinking, sleep slowly took me into it's deepest reaches.

~in Hebas dream~

I was in a beautiful garden. There were small ponds filtered everywhere. The smell of the flowers, grape vines and trees made me giggle. A slight warm breeze hit my face. Except I felt it more than just on my face.

Glancing down to what was covering my body I panicked! I was in a skirt with golden linings! I had no shirt on and I was wearing sandals for Ra's sake! For matters to get worse I was in a bunch of fucking bracelets! I looked like a female for crying out loud!!

Stepping closer to a pond that was shaded from higher branches of a tree, I took in my appearance. I actually didn't look bad. In fact I looked completely hot. My gaze stopped at my head. Rested upon the base of my spiky hair was a... crown?

I kneeled down to get a closer look. Just as my face was about touch the water, a strong arm hoisted my by my waist. Twisting to look at my assailant I was met with gorgeous dark crimson orbs. I-

~End dream~

Suddenly I awoke. I was gaping for air. what the hell was that?


Jazzy: okay I'm done with this chapter... late >~< I'm sorry can anyone guess who the killer is and who Heba dreamt about? And remember to comment and/or vote to this :3

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