Chapter 3

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Ok everyone I'm back! :3 how are my reading grubs doing today? Btw that is a homestuck reference in case anyone was wonderin... anywho i am going to write as ideas on where to take this flow.


I don't own yugioh, the characters! Just the plot :3

Chapter 3

Ryou's pov

I watched the world float by and reappear quickly. My white hair moving away and toward my body in swift accurate motions. I have come here to think and clear my mind since his 'death'. Well I guess he didn't really die because he wasn't really alive.

I gripped the swing chains with my leather gloves.

It was just his mean misunderstood soul that was trapped in the melenium ring. That means he wasn't alive right? It's just the after life you know.

Getting off the swing I turned to see a woman. She had light blonde hair. Doesn't she know how dangerous it is?

No of course she doesn't. No one really ever does. I silently follow. Throwing a rock behind us to a bush, hitting an animal most likely, makes her suspect someone's behind her.

She speeds up her pace, running into an empty alley. Perfect! Now to play pretend hero. Walking briskly in front of the dumpster she's beside, I wait.

Then making it sound as if I'd been running to rescue her a whisper to her breathlessly.

"M-miss a-are you in here?"

Her light blonde head shoots up. Her cold dark brown eyes frightened, searching for danger. Time for phase one; Be friendly.

"Hell-lo, are you ok? I saw a man with a knife! did he hurt you?" I asked in my happy sounding accent.

Slowly she nodded. She had a slight slur in her words. "Y-yes iiii'm sooooo fiine."(I'm so fine)

Fantastic she's also drunk! Her eyes half lidded as she came a bit closer. Suddenly for a drunk person she sounded serious. "How can I ever repay you? Perhaps I can service you?"

I wrinkled my nose slightly at the question. She has definitely got to be a slut. But I'll play along. I nodded a quick yes.

"Of course but I don't know if knife man will come back so you have to be quite."

She made a move to kiss me. Definite slut move. I took a step backwards. Her movements halted as she gave me a questioning look.

"We do this my way." I smirk as she nods reluctantly. Grabbing a blindfold from my pocket I give it to her. "Put this on you mouth tightly."

Doing as she's told I take her hair ribbon. It'll make a great rope to tie up with. after securing her mouth can make much sound I tie her hands behind her back.

Chuckling I begin my process. Flipping my 5 inch switch blade outta my pocket. I work on elegantly lacing her white skin with crimson strings.

He appears with horror written on his face. He tries to speak but I know it's not real. "Ryou. Please stop! You weren't the one who's the monster!"

Laughing evilly admiring my master piece. She's been dead for a while but she doesn't look like she was brutally killed. The cuts look like a labyrinth of red tattoos.

The only un-complementary thing about this scene is her pool of blood. It never matches anything.

Time to head home.


Jazzy: isn't that a nice plot twist? Btw I has a question for my lovely readers.

Ryou: NO! this isn't nice! Now imma look like a bad guy you wanker! how could you! Just damn you to death!

Jazzy: calm down Ryou! it'll be fine :3 any way as I was saying, I wanna know which pairings you all like from yugioh. I would like to attempt more pairings. So please message or comment it and I'll get back to ya.


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