Chapter 4

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Jazzy: here ya go. Sorry for bein lazy!


I don't own anything except the plot of this confusing story!!

Chapter four!

Malik's pov

This world is filled with such filth! I thought as I headed over to the game shop. My feet dragged as I tried to clear my head an figure out when the last time I saw them was.

My job keeps me way to busy to see them sometimes. But I need the money in order to keep funding Isis's fee's for collage and the musume and to pay my rent. It's understandable right? And on the plus side it helps me forget about them.

Our darks. I really am an idiot. Falling for two people who were already dead. I need the memories to just disappear. How can I be me if I'm not complete? The world suddenly flips upside down. Small green paper flies around me and a figure.

"Ow watch where your goi-!" I started before glancing at who was beside me. "Ryou?"

He looks freaked out. And scared. I wonder what did that to him. He's still sitting there dazed, watching the rest of my precious cash flitter around us. I flex my muscles to stand and I'm immediately lying face down. A searing pain cluster around my stomach.

It hurts so much. Three horror stricken faces come into my fading vision. I know that Ryou is the only one there. I reach out to grasp his hand which is instantly held.

"I'm so sorry Malik!" his voice rings. Liquid drops wets my face before the darkness takes over.

I came in and out of it a lot. First I was at the park, then more people surrounded me, then a boxed area (might have been an ambulance), on a flat surface with flashes of white walls going by.

But after awhile everything was just a black empty abyss. Since they left, I finally feel at ease. Maybe they have come back. This only happened when Marik took over.

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