Chapter 2...

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Ainsley's POV:


"I can't believe they cancelled Physical Weaponation for a stupid fucking school assembly." I mumbled under my breath as I sat down on the uncomfy metal chair.

Vanessa was all the way across the auditorium, sitting at the front. 'Wish she was back here in the slums with me.'

I looked up over at the podium to see our schools principle of 10 years, Mr.Webb, blue skin and all. He put his mouth an inch or two from the microphone.

"Hello, and good afternoon, fellow heroes in training. I am glad to see you all, let's get down to business, for I do not want to waste you're time. You teenagers always rushing and out in a 'bout!" He said, rather happy looking. "Anyway, I would like to ask you: Have any of you here heard of the Young Justice Team?"

A few people in the crowd murmured 'yes'. Most of us stayed quiet. We all knew who the Young Justice Team were, we were just too lazy to answer. We literally learn a little bit about the Young Justice Team everyday in Hero-ology. They are actually in fact the subject of our warm up questions.

"Well, as a result of failing to capture enemies multiple times in time differences not very far apart, they have decided to look for a new team member, and it just so happens that they will be searching here! One of you sitting in this very auditorium could become the next Young Justice hero!" Excited chatter ran through the crowd of teens and pre teens.

Mr.Webb quieted everyone down.

"Now, everyone hold your seahorses!" Typical thing for Mr.Webb to say, considering he's half Atlantian-half Graygill; a species of sea monster. "We also have a chance for anyone of you to be the Young Justice tour guide. Of course, they will each have their own dorms. We have extra due to some past incidents" Accidents in sunball, dont ask. "The team will spend nearly every minute with you, and you will be polite, and they will observe during classes."

The whole population of teens hands in the auditorium went up, except for mine. "Everyone, put your hands down. This is a raffle drawing, whoever's name gets pulled has to participate."

Mr.Webb's blue, scaly, webbed hand dove into the black magicians hat that I just now noticed. He sifted around it for a minute, building up suspense, then pulled a strip of white paper out. I felt like I was in the Hunger Games.

'Please don't be me, please don't be me, please don't be me.' I chanted inside my head as Mr.Webb the strip of paper up to his face.

He took a deep breath before speaking into the microphone....

And just my fucking luck.

"Ainsley Parcsonn."


"This is the most absolute worst day of my life." I grumbled as I looked at my reflection in the in the mirror in my overly sized dorm bathroom. I was checking the outfit Vanessa had picked out, I didn't want to really impress the Young Justice Team, but Vaness did. She had rummaged through my closet while I was taking a shower, searching for a cute yet comfortable outfit for me too wear. I was all about comfortable.

"Oh, cheer up!" Vanessa exclaimed. She was sitting on my covered toilet seat. She stood up and came next to me.

"Are you sure you can't perk up more?" I shook my head and sighed.

"I dont want to be the Young Justice tour guide. Its gonna be such a drag." I said lamely. I glanced at the diamond swirl styled clock hanging next to my sink mirror and sighed again, it was 7:45.

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