Chapter 1

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“Holy crap Lauren they are in the country! They are here oh my God!” Casey squealed as she jumped on my bed. Quite how the girl had managed to get up athwart seemed like such an ungodly hour judging by the limited light I received through my eyelids eluded me. She continued to squeal and jump around on my bed as I groaned at my being awake.

I opened one eye and caught a glimpse of the clock next to my bed. The bouncing made it quite hard to determine what number it was showing but after a good three minutes of working it out I finally managed to look at it without being bounced around. That helped a lot, “Bloody hell Casey its four in the freaking morning!” I grumbled, my voice very groggy and unattractive.

“Yes well done you can tell the time, now come on! Get up and dressed!” She beamed.

I groaned and shoved a pillow in her face in protest. As a response to the unmotivated groan that told her I was not going to get up and complete her request, Casey shoved me off the bed.

“Oh for God’s sake Casey,” I pretty much shouted, "We have all day we don't have to leave right now!"

“We are leaving in ten!” She squealed again and ran out of the room before I could say anything against it, "And I have the camera and your glasses by the way,"

"Ugh," I grumbled and pulled the drawer built into my bed toward me. Luckily, I had prepared for this occurrence - however I did not think Casey would wake me up this early. I had set aside a pair of jeans, my 'I was dropped as a baby into a pool of awesomeness and glitter' shirt and light cream-gold boots. I got dressed and let my hair be in aid of not making the curls turn into a poofy blonde cloud, did my makeup rather slowly before picking up my winter patterned black and white onesie from the cupboard. I was not going to let Casey get me out of bed this early to drag me to the entertainment centre two hours away without me sleeping along the way. No she knows that I like my sleep and I will get it no matter what.

“You are not wearing your onesie to this,” Casey gave me an unimpressed look as I dragged my suitcase out of the front door.

“You want me to come with you or not?” I said, taking the pillow form atop of my suitcase before shoving it in the back of the taxi with hers as the girl locked the door behind me.

“You kind of have to! It's your job too. But you take that off when we get there, understand?"

"Yes Mum," I rolled my eyes at her as she told the driver where to go, clearly ignoring my childish retort. The man nodded and put the destination into the satnav. I yawned, settling into my pillow and allowing a welcome sleep to wash over me.


I shuffled slightly. This adjustment of a position, however, earned me only a face plant into the floor. Judging on the flatness and general ability to land on the floor, I was no longer in the taxi.

I rolled on to my back, stretching slightly to both wake myself up and make a judgement on how much space I had to move. Once fully stretched and mostly awake, I summed up the energy to open my eyes. This proved my hypothesis that I was not I the taxi correct. I was next to a black sofa which had my pillow dangling precariously on the edge above my head. There was a wooden coffee table adjacent to my sofa and another two matching single sofas to the left and right of my double. On the wall left without a sofa companion, a large flat screen television was built into the plaster. To be honest it was an incredibly bland room, white walls with limited furniture and decoration in the room. It was quite large, so everything was spread out, however the space only seemed to make the room appear even less interesting. Apart from the soft muffled voices coming from next door it was silent.

A head poked through the door as I sat up. He had styled blonde hair with brown roots and from what I could tell without my glasses he had strikingly blue eyes, it took me a second to register what must have happened whilst I was asleep: Basically, we must have arrived and someone carried me inside and let me sleep seeing as the time was six am and so they let me sleep in here. And now, here I am with the head of one fifth of One Direction smiling at me from the door.

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