Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

If there is anything more beautiful than sleep, it is most definitely the smell of hash browns and bacon for breakfast. Sure, I will admit I am in no way shape or form a morning person and usually won't speak to people until at least 8 am, but when a full breakfast buffet is being cooked and served it changes things. It truly is the best smell one can ever wake up to.

Following the smell like a cartoon character - eyes closed and nose in the air - it was only once I had walked down the hallway and passed the security guards where the smell was coming from that i realised that I was not yet dressed. I quickly reevaluated the situation and decided turning up in my pyjamas - consisting of a crop top and incredibly short Mickey Mouse pajama shorts - was not appropriate.

Today was once again casual and the outfit reflected that. I had not bothered to shovel through my suitcase and instead had picked out the 'sorry I'm late' top and pair of space printed leggings which were located on the top. Black Dock Martin boots were the choice of footwear. I quickly tied my curly hair back into a pony tail and applied a minimal amount of make up. I grabbed my glasses off the bedside table and accessorised my wrist with black and blue bracelets to match the leggings. Then, finally dressed appropriately for the occasion. I went to get breakfast.

"At twelve noon we have lun-" Paul looked up from his clipboard and stopped talking as I walked into the meeting room. Food of the breakfast category was spread out across the table in pots, pans and placed on plates. People were sat around the table listening to Paul's de-brief of the day's oncoming encounters as they ate.

I smiled awkwardly as the entire table turned to look at me. I pointed to my shirt and scanned the table for an empty seat. Niall burst into laughter. To be honest he laughed so hard that milk nearly came out of his nose. Everyone then turned to look at the blonde Irish male who was trying desperately to swallow the spoon full of cereal he had just eaten.

"Jesus, Niall calm down it wasn't that funny," Harry chuckled.

After a moment or two the boy calmed down and resumed eating his cereal. Once he had successfully swallowed another spoon full of cereal, Niall smiled at me and pulled out a chair from between himself and Harry. The whole room was still in the same state of silence, except for the fact that the attention had moved from being focused on myself to focussing on Niall.

"You can sit here if you want," The blonde gestured to the chair. Instantly I looked to Casey for confirmation. A grin spread across the girl's face so wide that if it were any bigger her cheeks would split in two.

"Thanks," I said, taking a seat and filling my plate with bacon and hash browns.

"Anyway, where was I?" Paul resumed reading from his clip board, "Right, so at twelve we have lunch on the plane, we get off at Wellington at three our time - I want it quick and easy this time boys we are not stopping unless your life is in danger of being lost. After that we check in and you guys can chill and explore the city a bit. Any questions?"

"What time do the cars arrive here?" Liam - who was sat on the other side of Niall to myself - asked.

"You've got forty minutes," Paul nodded, "Ok so we're all clear?"

Everyone nodded simultaneously as we all begun to turn our attention to the food. Within minutes the food was devoured and Paul handed out a piece of paper with the day's events printed on it. You have to give the guy credit for organisation... I mean he is in a foreign country without access to his own printer or even his own bed and he is still on top of everything for a boy band and a crew of about a hundred people.

And at that moment that we started to descend the stairs with the smaller bags of luggage, my phone rang. This would have been quite normal and standard if it weren't Lucas calling or if it hadn't of startled me. Basically what happened was the phone rang, startling me and I fell down the stairs. Whilst Casey laughed at me from her position at the top of the stairs, James - a security guard - helped me up.

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