Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"So as we know, the boys of One Direction landed in New Zealand yesterday morning. One of the boys, however, stirred up a lot of controversy with his fans and the media when he not only gave a gorgeous young girl a piggy back through the airport but also spent the entire day with her roaming around the city," the news reporter said as photos and videos of Niall and I were shown on the screen. The guy certainly exaggerated his voice and gestures, his arms would be above his head one minute and then out to the side the next, "Of course because of the photographic evidence of the two hanging out together, rumours have started to circulate that the two are dating but with no clue of who this mystery girl is or any word from Niall or the One Direction other lads, how are we to tell?"

"Ugh," I groaned, sinking lower into the sofa until I was no longer sat on the said object, and instead had slid down to sit on the floor. No longer interested in anything apart from the cake that sat on the coffee table in front of me, I began to eat.

Amanda could go at me for days, and probably will, for reaching the news as a possible speculated girlfriend of one Mr Niall Horan. To be honest, I would be fired for this if it weren't for the fact that I was on her most important story for the magazine. But right now, as far as I was concerned the only important factor in my life was the chocolatey goodness in cake form.

"Hello," Paul entered the room, giving me the shock of my life seeing as I was focused solely on my cake.

"Oh Jesus, uh - I mean hello," I smiled nervously, "listen about the news story I'm sorry it won't happen again and if it makes you feel any better my boss is going to murder me through the phone lines any minute so-"

The man cut me off, "Actually don't worry about it. Listen, Lauren I have been talking to some of the producers and publicity guys for the boys and we think the publicity you are stirring up is great,"

I paused, taking in the information and processing it slowly, "Ok,"

"But that is why I would like to ask you if you would mind being Niall's -uh- publicity girlfriend. I will talk to your boss about the situation and all, but it would be great for both the magazine and the boys publicity wise. So what do you say?" He leant forward over the coffee table we were sat at (both on the floor so that it felt like a normal table).

This information was simply not processed at all. The only thought that ran through my mind was a sentence of jumbled up profanities.

"Excuse me?" I frowned, putting the cake fork down and leaning over the table myself, "I'm sorry but this band prides itself on the fact that they are real people who are not interested in stupid and meaningless publicity stunts that you are suggesting that I take part in. This is ridiculous,"

Paul looked taken aback. Probably because if it were any other female on the planet, they would have been hailing him as if he were a God of some kind and said yes without any hesitation whatsoever. I, on the other hand, was not like those girls and was more interested in the consequences and presumptions this suggestions accompanies.

As if Amanda was reading my mind and waiting for the worst possible time to call, my phone rang and her name flashed across the screen. I sighed, picking up the phone and preparing for the oncoming wrath.

"Hey Amanda-" I was cut off.

"Lauren Carter I specifically told you not to get involved with the boys in any way that could result in you being on the news! You are three days into this and what is the first bloody thing I see? One of my journalists ignoring my warnings!" By this point, Paul was signalling for me to put down the phone and put Amanda on speaker. I complied but could not find a point in which I could tell her she was on speaker. Instead she continued her rant in front of both Paul, his assistant and I, "The management team will not be happy with me nor you or Casey! This could mean the end of the project!"

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