Check Up

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Day went as hectic as usual, waking up Jaehwan and Junior make it double the work. Both of them still in bed even after you done with shower, you take the mini speaker and on the alarm make both of the jump up on the bed. You just smile looking at them.

"Go shower... now.. and mommy will get the breakfast.." you left the room leave them, half asleep and confuse but still follow as you said.

Almost half and hour waiting for them, they finally out from the room smell and looking fresh. Taking their seat as you prepare the table for breakfast. For quite a moment no one is taking just quietly enjoy the breakfast.

"Erhemm.." not really clearing the throat but to get their attention and as expected both of them looking at you.

"What will we do today?" you start the conversation.

"I have meeting later.. but only for a while.. we have discussion about my new musical" Jaehwan said before taking a sip of his juice.

"Granny will take Junior later.." Jaehan said smilling, happy just to think that today he might have new toys.

"Daddy... remind your mom not to buy new toys for Junior" you said looking at both of them, Jaehwan just nodding and you can see Jaehan sulky face.

"New books is okay" you glance at Jaehan.

"Thank you mommy.." he said finally similling again.

"You?" Jaehwan look at you.

"Abandone by my husband and son... I just stay home..." your turn to be sulky.

"Mom... we're not... daddy has work.. and you the one agree for me to go with granny" Jaehan look at you a bit upset.

"I know baby... I'm just joking... mommy sorry.. alright..." you smile and kiss Jaehan cheek.

"I got appointments with Uncle Ian" you look at Jaehwan.

"My car still in the workshop" you added.

"I can drop you.." he said and munch his last spoon of cereal.

"I'm not sure how long the check up will be, and I need to stop at the office later.."

"Alright.. you get the car..." he nodded and get up, help you with the dishes.

"Thanks love" you smiled looking at him.


Hours later Jaehwan mom and dad come to fetch Jaehan. Earlier than promised and plan change as they want Jaehan to stay overnight, said to spend more time with him before going back abroad. Dose not really concern you both for Jaehan to stay at his grandparents house, no packing needed as well since Jaehan always stays there. Kiss him goodbye and farewell to you in-laws before getting ready to go out.

You drop Jaehwan in front of the office building and front of your car there's one black car parking. Moments later you see a young lady coming from the car.

"There your scandal.." you said still looking at the lady.

"What..." Jaehwan busy checking his bag, to make sure he had everything he need and don't really pay attention to what you said.

"What?" he repeat and look at you.

"Your scandal... Bianca" you replied still looking at the same direction.

Jaehwan looks where your looking and just smile.

"You still my number one~~" he sing the song and act cute give you a finger heart gesture before give you a kiss and out from the car. You can just smile at him, not really care about the scandal either but still a bit worried. As he getting out from the car you follow him and walk towards him. A hug for him and he kiss you on your forehead.

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