Little Angel

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These few days make it a little bit harder than usual, you always feel slightly dizzy and sometimes feels like to puke, but ignore it thinking that might be because of your anxiety and the migraine had kicked off, that you had sometime whenever you can't seems to handle any more pressure.

You are about to leave the cafe, but your head seems too heavy and make you feel really dizzy, you trying to sit back but miss the chair and ended up bumped your head onto the floor and the only thing you remember is some random voice calling for you.


You open your eyes slightly but seems can't grasp the view before you heard someone talking to you.

"Miss.. you awake?" pretty young lady is standing right beside you with a smile.

"Where am..." you said try to sit, the young lady then help you.

"You are at the hospital right now, it's been about an hour already" she said still smiling.

"Why, how did...?" you ask still confuse.

"You don't remember you pass out at the cafe? Someone call the ambulance and then you are here. Lucky you awake not too long after, we can't contact your family members as you don't have your phone with you" the young lady explain patiently to you.

You stay silent for a few minutes before gets everything flashed back to you, and you now remember the scene before at the cafe.

"Ahh I now remember" you said looking at the nurse, now that you come to your sense.

"Do you remember any number to call your family members or maybe be your friends?"

"Can I borrow a phone?" you ask the nurse.

"Yes.. here, you can use mine, you can't seems to be able to walk to make the call outside" she handed you her cellphone.

You dialed Hakyeon number but no pick up. Your parents is still aboard for the business trip, the last number you tries to call was Manager Jo realize that they might still be busy with their schedule.

After few minutes the call get connected and you can hear Manager Jo voice.

"Manager oppa, is Hakyeon oppa around? you ask the other side on the line.

"Ooh Licca, they just finished their interview want me to pass this call to him?

"Can i talk to him?" you said with your weak voice.

"Sure, wait" you can hear Manager Jo calling for Hakyeon and pass the phone to him.

"Licca what happened?! Who's number is this?! Where are you?!" Hakyeon questions you without giving a chance for you to speak.

You expect this to happened, knowing that he must be worried, because you never call with other number except your own.

You tell him everything over the phone and from the other side of the line you can literally heard commotion amongst the boys when Hakyeon shouted hospital, few more minutes of talking and assured Hakyeon that you now is okay and tell him to pick you up. You then pass the phone back to the owner.

"Thanks Haneul unnie" you said calling her name as you get a glimpse at the name tag she had on her.

"No problem Licca, now you just have to rest and wait for your... " she said smiling but then pause looking at you.

"My brother..." you smile at her.

"What's wrong with me actually, I remember few days before I always feel dizzy and always wanted to puke. My migraine getting worse isn't?" you added looking at her.

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