VI : A Queen in Waiting

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Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

A Queen in Waiting

A few days passed by in a hurry and Malaki was growing fast. From when Elizabeth first found him up until now when he stood on his hind legs he would be up to her knees. Still Elizabeth's shadow, he had also begun learning how to speak. He would mumble a few words here and there but now he was slowly starting to form carefully knit sentences together. People in the camp quickly became unfazed by seeing the small fox cub trot everywhere after Elizabeth.

Other than Elizabeth, Malaki also seemed to grow rather close with Aslan. The fox enjoyed the company of the mighty lion for protection while he preferred Elizabeth for comfort and entertainment. Malaki proved to be extremely useful when Elizabeth would be practicing on the target field and miss her target (as rare as it happened), the little fox would rush over to the point the arrow hit the ground and bring it back to her. Elizabeth started to sense that Malaki could smell her sent on the arrow which would prompt him to retrieve it.

This gave her an idea and she began to train Malaki to sniff certain objects belonging to different people, such as Oreius sword and Kael's feathers, and would then have Malaki go find them. The training given to Malaki proved to help the camp when they would go on missions looking for missing Narnians or sights where the witch would have her secret camps located. Oreius seemed the one who loved this new found trait of Malaki's the most and would tend to borrow the fox from time to time. As Malaki grew up and became a full grown fox that could talk and was strong enough to go on missions more often, Aslan would frequently send him out more. Since he trusted Malaki well enough to know Malaki would not betray him.

On one of these missions, was sent on that lasted a week, upon his return he set out in search of Elizabeth. Elizabeth had not accompanied this mission, choosing to stay behind in order to train others with swordsmanship. Looking throughout the camp, Malaki finally found her in the fields beside the camp teaching a young fawn how to step when fighting.

"When using a sword it is just as important to move your feet as it is to swing the sword. Not moving around at all can be as bad as not even using your sword. So when I come at you this time, try to move your feet some more." She informed the faun who nodded at her teaching.

When they began their match, another faun caught Malaki approaching. "Elizabeth! Malaki's home!"

Elizabeth stopped fighting her opponent and turned to look in the direction of the faun's yell. Sure enough, she could see Malaki coming towards them and smiled upon his return.

The younger faun, taking advantage of her momentary distraction, took a strike at her sword causing the sword to fly out of Elizabeth's hands and into the ground. "Perhaps you should stay focused on the fight at hand and try to remain undistracted.

This caused Elizabeth to turn her attention back to the fight and laughed at the faun who won. "I suppose you're right Jaelyn, my apologies. But excellent job taking advantage of the situation!" She then turned to everyone else who was watching the duel and training with Elizabeth that day. "Practice today is over, you can return back to the camp, and be ready tomorrow to resume training once more." She informed everyone.

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