Chapter Twelve: Come And Go With Me

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Izzy's head spun in panic as Sister Mary Thomas materialized across the room. Behind the looming nun, Dottie quivered against the wall. Her eyes flew to Izzy's with an apologetic look.

The nun bore into them, the intensity seeming to stop time and space. The girls stood together, paralyzed—the euphoria from earlier quickly draining away. Sister Mary Thomas had the ability to induce terror in one's soul with just a look. She was well aware of it as she prolonged the silence—relishing in it.

"Your roommate was kind enough to inform me that the three of you left the premises." The nun's dry lips curved, pleased to deliver the news that Dottie had betrayed them. She cast Dottie an approving look.

The little girl cowered behind her, eyes closed, as if trying to make herself disappear.

"So tell me." Sister Mary Thomas's gaze settled on Izzy, who resisted the urge to turn and run back through the open door. "How did a disingenuous girl such as yourself ever believe that that boy was going to marry you? No wonder he ran from you. Such a woman would never keep the sanctity of marriage. Even here, you continue your rebellious ways."

Izzy straightened, shame flipping into her eyes. Sister Mary Thomas knew her story, and she was using it against her. Hot tears rose in her throat, replacing the fear. To her right, Gloria glanced at her, an eyebrow raised slightly. Izzy thought she saw a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.

The nun smiled triumphantly, then turned to Rita—her next victim. "And you. I'm quite surprised with you. I'm sure your father, in his respected government position, would not want to hear of your disobedience. Or, have the truth come out to the public on where his perfect little daughter is truly residing," she snarled.

Rita's eyes narrowed, her hands in fists. "How do you know this? They told my father my file would be hidden."

The nun didn't respond. She turned to Gloria, pausing for a moment while her eyes picked the blonde apart. "Now you." She waited, satisfaction spreading on her face as she watched the girl waver in front of her. "I would expect as much from a girl whose mother lost her mind, and ran off to the streets—."

"Shut up!" screamed Gloria, cutting off the nun's words.

Sister Mary Thomas's face turned beet red at the boldness of the girl in front of her. "Do you even know who fathered the child?"

Izzy gasped as Gloria lept forward, throwing herself at Sister Mary Thomas—momentarily throwing the nun off balance.

"Just shut up!" Gloria screamed, her hand rising up to claw the nun's face.

With brute strength, the nun grabbed Gloria's arm and spun her, twisting it behind her back painfully. Her mouth came down close to Gloria's ear. "You are just as crazy as your mother," she hissed.

With a jerk she let go of Gloria's arm. Her dark eyes fell with disgust on the three broken girls in front of her. "This is your last chance," she spat. Halfway through the doorway she turned. "There is no second chance in hell."

She left, her steps echoing hollowly down the hall. No one dared to move until the foot falls had completely faded down the hall.

Rita reached out and touched Gloria's arm. "Gloria, are you alright?"

"Don't touch me." Gloria snarled, pulling back. She was shaking, not with fear, but with anger. Her eyes narrowed on Dottie, who had crumpled into a ball across the room. "And keep that little bitch away from me."

"Gloria! Don't blame this on her." Izzy rushed to defend the little girl. "We chose to break the rules, not her."

Gloria raised her chin defiantly, her eyes blazing with anger and tears. "I'm sure she was basking in Sister Mary Thomas's approval after she told her. She only cares about herself."

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