Megsy's imagine with Louis

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Here you go Megsy, your imagine with Louis on a movie date, hope you enjoy :D

slipping into a tight fitting pair of grey skinny jeans and slipping on your superman tank, you straightened your hair and slipped on an a pair of boots just as the doorbell rung, as you made your way down the stairs of your family home you saw that your mum had already let your boyfriend in,

“Meagan you look stunning” Louis greeted you and your already existent smile grows bigger as he kisses your cheek,

“Mum! We’re leaving now!” you call from the bottom of the stairs as Louis walked you to the movie theatre,



Paying for your tickets to see the new 2013 horror movie, ‘Only Lovers Left Alive’, which despite your attempts of begging Louis to wait an extra hour and watch Despicable Me 2, he made you watch anyway,

“Louis” you beg, “you know I don’t like scary movies” you try again but Louis responded with the same excuse he always did,

“don’t worry baby girl, I’ll protect you” he smirked before grasping your hand and leading you into the theatre,



As the credits rolled through and the lights in the theatre dimmed slowly up you realised you had tears stream stains down your face and you were practically in Louis’ lap,

“hey now baby girl, what’s wrong” Louis was shocked to see you crying,

“I don’t know Louis” you answered honestly and sniffed back your tears,

“did the movie really scare you that much?” you could see in Louis’ eyes that he felt bad for making you watch the movie,

“yeah I guess so” you sniffed again, wiping your tears as Louis grasped your hand and lead you out of the cinema,



As you approached your house Louis’ body became tense as he stopped dead in his tracks and turned to you,

“What’s wrong” you asked, worried but feeling happiness wash over you as Louis dropped to one knee,

“oh my god Lou” you gasped as tears streamed down your cheeks,

“Meagan” Louis started, “you’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met, your funny, beautiful and everything I’ll ever need” you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing as he continued, “Meagan, I know we’re still young but I hope with all my heart that you’ll” he paused, “will you be my wife” you looked down at your boyfriend, seeing so much hope, love, and devotion in his eyes and you knew what you needed to say,

“yes” you breathed as the two of you kissed passionately under the starlit sky hoping for many more happy years with you fiancé and soon to be husband, Louis Tomlinson



there you go Megsy, hope you loved it, sorry it’s short but I wrote it at quarter to twelve and I was very tired, everyone else, keep commenting on here and/or inbox me like megsy did J and I promise you that you’ll get your imagine or if you have ideas for preferences I’ll make them and dedicate the chapter to you and follow you if I’m not already so go, go, go comment and vote

Love you Goldbugs 

Keep smiling


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