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Edited by: bat_woman_

Bru- Bride/daughter-in-law


Mundur- bride price


Nine and ten summers- Nineteen years old

Njoror- Norse god. He who calms the sea and fire.

900 BC

"Daughter, it is time," Mama told me. I looked up at my Mother. Mama was a shieldmaiden. She was one of the most beautiful women in the world. Father said she was the strongest, that is why she was worthy of my father. Mama was tall, almost as tall as father, with red hair all the way down her back with braids at the temples to hold it back from her face. I looked up to see Mama's green eyes gaze down at me gently as I petted the puppy that my future husband had brought as a gift. Mama held out her hand and I walked to her and grasped her hand tightly. At six winters, I reached Mama's knee and could barely keep up with her strides Mama picked me up and I laid my head on her shoulder

"Mama?" I asked. "Where do we go?"

I played with the hair on Mama's shoulder that was close to my hand and let it run through my fingers like silk. I love Mama's hair.

"You are to be wed, Katra." She said delicately.

"Does that mean I have to leave you and Papa? I do not want to leave, Mama." I said to her as we reach where my father was standing. My father took me from my mother and held my cheek in his hand .I looked at my father I saw tanned skin from the trades he goes on in the summer and his dark brown eyes looked into my green ones. "Honeysuckle, ye will not be leaving when Arne and his father do. Ye will be remaining here, with us." He told me. As he said this I wrapped my arms around my father's neck.

"I am glad. For I do not wish to leave Mama or ye, Papa." I said, happy to stay with the people who love me. I felt Papa kiss the side of my head as we walked the thralls who bowed to us. After walking by them they continued on with chores. When we reached the longhouse Papa put me down. Mama fixed my hair and straightened my shift and top dress. Papa kneeled beside Mama and I saw my older brothers standing to the side."Katra, when Arne returns for you many years from now we shall have a proper gale for you. For not I cannot imagine a more beautiful bru for the man that will one take you from here." Papa said to me.

Once he and mama rose from kneeling they each grabbed one of my hands and my brothers opened the door to the longhouse. My parents walked me to the tall blond man waiting in front of the main table. "Arne my daughter Katra," Papa said to the blond man. Looking down he raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly looked away from the piercing blue eyes that looked down towards me.

"Katra," Papa said. "This is Arne. He is to be your husband. Arne is a strong warrior who will give you many sons."

I kept my eyes on my Papa

"Daughter your manners." I felt heat rush to my cheeks as Mama reminded me and bowed before the man.

"Shall we begin?" Arne said. The ceremony was short during it I took the time to look at Arne. Arne was a a bit taller than my father and looked to be the same age as my older brother, Eirik. His beard was shorter than Papa's. Arne went to his knees.

"Katra you are to keep your kransen," he then gave me a necklace with a ring on it.
"Katra you are to keep your kransen," he then gave me a necklace with a ring on it.

"Since you are young this is your ring. It shall remain around your neck until I return for you." Once I put the ring that mama gave me around his finger I was taken from the longhouse and given to my grandmother who returned me to my parents hut.

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