4 - CAFÉ

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"I'm here! I'm here",Arael gasped as she sat down in the seat in front of Heath, trying to catch her breath. Her clothes were still cold and damp and her hair was a knotted mess but she was still there. She had sprinted virtually the whole way to the café and she could feel her lungs and legs burning. She wasn't unfit (granted, she wasn't the fittest she'd ever been either) but she hadn't run that hard in a long time so she wasn't used to it.

"Are you okay? You don't quite look... like yourself",Heath questioned, uncertainly clear as day on his face. She shook her head while swallowing hard to try and help her dry throat.

"I'm fine. Just a little wet but other than that... I'm perfectly fine",she smiled him. He seemed to hesitate for a moment but, once again, fell for her lie. It made her a little sad that she could lie to him so easily but it did help when she really didn't want to talk about something.

His gaze lowered to her shoulders and he noticed the jacket she had on. It was way too big for her and looked vaguely familiar.

"Who's jacket is that?",he asked. She looked down and tried to hide her blush.

"Um... It's Cole's",she said softly. His knuckles visibly whitened as he clenched his fists and she knew then and there that she could not break up with him unless she wanted to cause a massive scene in the café as well as at school.

"Why do you have his jacket?",he asked slowly and calmly which was almost worse than him getting angry and making a scene.

"I was walking from school and it started to rain so I ran to a cover and he just so happened to be there so he gave me his jacket because I was really cold and wet",she explained very quickly so that she could give him the full story before he decided to leave. He raised a blonde eyebrow and leaned back in his chair.

"So nothing else then?",he asked somewhat relaxing.

"No, nothing else. We just talked until the rain died down a bit and then I left to meet you. That's why I was late",she told him. She saw him physically relax but she could still see an inner battle going on in his head when she looked into his eyes. She reached forward and wrapped one of his hands in her soft ones. There was warmth but no spark like there used to be but she had to be patient for a while longer. That is, unless she wanted to be completely miserable for breaking someone's heart right after making them feel insecure.

"Please believe me",she begged.

"I believe you",he said and she smiled. Relief swept over her like a wave over sand.

"I just hope I'm right in doing so",he finished and looked at their hands. Her smile faltered and she felt like the wave was pulling back into the ocean as she sighed.

"I can't force you to believe me, or think that you can, but I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I won't lie to you about something like this. Ever",she reassured him. He looked back into her eyes and searched to see if it was the truth and it seemed that he could see that it was so he smiled and nodded.

"So... What happened today in Music? I heard Kyla fell into the drum set... again",he said and chuckled.

"Yeah, she was going off at Mrs. Peters again and tripped so she fell into the drum and got detention as well as a trip to the nurse's office",she mused, and shaking her head as she laughed to herself.

"When doesn't she go off at her? If she didn't she just wouldn't be Kyla",he smirked.

"Can't agree more with you on that one",she agreed with a grin on her face.

They sat and talked over coffee for another hour or two in the small café and then started walking around aimlessly. They walked past a shop and heard one of their favourite songs playing. Heath let go of her hand and stood back, bowing in front of her.

"Might I have this dance, m'lady?",he asked in a very posh accent. She giggled and placed her hand in his.

"Why, yes, you may, kind Sir",she played along. He pulled her closer and they started randomly dancing to the music as they sang along.

Arael laughed the whole time as they danced and Heath grinned down at her. He took her hand once more once the song ended and they continued walking.

"When do you need to be home?",he asked as he swung their hands. They walked on and through the park.

"At around six, why?",she asked him. He glanced down at his phone and panicked when saw that it was five to six.

"We'd better run unless you want Aaron to castrate me",he wiggled his eyebrows before pulling her along. She laughed at his inappropriate humour. They ran back to her house and got there seconds before six.

Heath turned to her and nudged Cole's jacket with distaste. "Next time you say no and take mine",he muttered. He leaned down and kissed her lips gently before opening the door for her and turning to go.

"See you at school tomorrow",she waved after him. He turned and grinned before carrying on and disappearing around the corner.

She went inside and took a long, hot shower before going down to dinner.

"Who's jacket were you wearing when you came in?",a male voice questioned from behind her. She turned and saw her brother leaning against the kitchen counter eating something white and sloppy. He annoyed the shit out of her cause he ate anything and everything he wanted and stayed in shape without so much as lifting a finger. And here she was, knowing that if she ate the 3 donuts and coffee he had for breakfast she would have to run around the country twice to burn it off

"Aaron is that really any of your business? And what the fuck are you eating?",she said in disgust. He stopped chewing and looked down at the bowl in his hands.

"I don't know...",he mumbled thoughtfully. She pulled a face at it and fake gagged.

"Want some?",he said enthusiastically and shoved the bowl towards her face.

"Eww! Get your sloppy crap away from me",she shouted and smacked his arms away. He started laughing at her and she rolled her eyes at him in annoyance. Typical Aaron to do something like that. She loved him but, damn did he get on her nerves.

She made herself dinner and when she was done eating she headed upstairs and finished her homework. It was becoming less and less because it was nearing the end of the year. Once finished she packed everything away and crawled into bed and drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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