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Cole's head snapped up and he hid Arael's body from everyone. He didn't want anyone to see her or take her from him even if she wasn't alive anymore. He couldn't let go of her body or he wouldn't have anything to prove she wasn't just a dream he had made up. He needed her by his side to keep him sane with all his father's demands but she was taken from him and he would never get her back.

The Fallen that spoke had a knife in his hand which was stained with blood. Cole knew it was Arael's blood and that angered him further. She had done nothing to any of them yet they decided to kill her for power. His little bird, his Arael, was dead because they wanted power.

"She was getting in the way of your priorities and was becoming a nuisance. Without her you will be able to focus on taking down the angels",he told Cole. Without ever looking away from the Fallen, Cole gently layed Arael's body down and stood up, careful not to hurt her cold figure.

"You didn't help me. She wasn't a nuisance and she was not getting in the way of anything. She was innocent and had done nothing to any of you but you killed her! And for what? Why did you kill this innocent girl? You killed her so that you could have power? That's what you think but you've sure as hell got nothing left now. No home, no family, no life. She was everything to me and you took her away. I loved her! I still love her even now that you MURDERED HER! So it's your turn to have everything taken away from you",Cole hissed before lunging for the fallen's neck. It was as if everyone was moving in slow motion and he had no problem getting to the fallen. He heard a satisfying crack before letting the fallen's body fall to the ground lifeless.

Less than a second had passed and he had made it to the next fallen. Three others rushed over to help the the fallen but Cole was faster than any of them. He moved out the way as they tried to grab him. It wouldn't be right to let Arael go without getting revenge on everyone that helped. His eyes shone bright gold with fury as he tore through the crowd. If the other fallens hadn't kept him busy he would've been able to watch over Arael and protect her. The rest didn't even have time to comprehend what was going on before Cole was going from one to the next, killing them off.

The angels just stood back and out of his was as he took out his anger and sorrow on the fallens. Arael's father and Cole's father landed next to Cole and grabbed him before he could kill the next fallen and pulled him back.

"Cole, you need to stop this and let her go",his father told him. He thrashed around in their arms and let out an animalistic growl that had even the Kings worried for a moment.

"Let me go! They killed her! I love her and they murdered her!",he roared, tears still streaming down his face as he tried kicking them away so that he could get to the next fallen.

"Cole, calm down! It's too late and killing them isn't going to bring her back",Arael's father told him, his voice just as broken as Cole felt. His attempts weakened slightly as the tears rolled down his cheeks. That was until a sudden realisation hit him and he finally broke free and turned to his father.

"This is all your fault! You wanted her dead. Well look now. Are you happy? Because I'm sure as hell not",he said calmly as he took a step forward. His father stepped backwards as he looked into his son's eyes and knew it was too late to get him back. The death of the woman he loved was too much and had driven him to insanity almost immediately. Arael's father also saw the molten lava colour of Cole's eyes, no white or gold anywhere and hurried over to Cole's father.

"It's too late to help him... we need to bring her back or everything is going to fall apart",Arael's father whispered to Cole's father. The King nodded, never taking his eyes off of his son. Cole laughed a humourless laugh and pulled out his dagger.

Usually he would never agree with an angel but he knew that if they didn't do something Cole would be unstoppable. He had been trained to be a lethal and merciless fighter. No one would be able to stop him and he would destroy both worlds.

"Time to join Arael, dad. Be sure to apologise when you see her",Cole hissed but before he could kill his father two angels grabbed him. He was too strong though and almost broke free before two fallens rushed over to help the angels.

"Cole, we can bring her back for you! Just listen to me! We can bring her back",his father shouted, catching the attention of all the fallens and angels as well as Cole.

"What?",Cole asked softly, not sure if he'd heard them correctly. His eyes flickered between the lava and gold. The angels and fallens let go of him and stood back as he calmed down.

"We can bring Arael back to life for you",his father told him. Cole's breathing hitched and he dropped to his knees. He would get his Arael back. He could hold her again and keep her safe by his side. He would see her beautiful blue eyes and feel her soft lips. She would come back to him.

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