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Arael didn't know what to do or who to speak to after what she saw so she did what she could, she ran. She ran into the forest, away from what she saw, away from the fear trying to consume her, and away from Cole. Her lungs were burning and her legs were numb but she pushed harder and carried on running.

Roots grabbed at her feet and branches scratched her legs, leaving blood trickling down her legs. Her foot got caught and she threw her hands out in front of her to catch herself but she was too late and she felt something cold and hard hit her head. Rock.

So this is how I go... Alone in the forest with everyone else thinking the worst.

Her thoughts died down as she slipped into unconsciousness, the darkness consuming her and killing her pain, worry and fear only to replace it with a sense of peace.

* * *

Arael moaned as she slowly woke up.

"Worst headache ever",she mumbled as she reached up to touch her head. Her movements were slow and her body was stiff but she pushed through the pain. She winced as she touched her head, the pain causing black spots to cloud her vision once more and she welcomed the darkness.

* * *

When Arael woke up again her throat felt like sand paper and she was cold but at least the pain in her head had left. As she took in her surroundings she realised she wasn't in the forest anymore. She was in a hospital. The walls were white, the bed was white, the desks were white. Everything was white.

The door opened and she expected a doctor to come in but she was surprised to see Cole. He paused when he saw her and she saw all the emotions in his eyes. Shock, relief, happiness, sadness, anger, but the one that stood out to her was hurt. She had hurt him by running away when she saw him as his true self. It confused him that he felt that way but then again no 'humans' have ever seen him the way she saw him and he was hoping she wouldn't see. He knew that he terrified humans so he loved to hide in the shadows and scare them. Though he had never shown his wings. It entertained him but he had been caught off guard by Arael and he couldn't control it.

"I'm sorry",she said but her voice was barely more than a whisper. Cole quickly poured her a glass of water and she drank it all.

"Thank you",she said, her voice a bit more normal. She couldn't look him in the eyes. The guilt of how she had reacted to seeing him was weighing her down.

"I'm sorry",she said again, not knowing what else to say. She had seen the hurt in his eyes when she screamed and it made her sad to the point that she was numb. Why she had such strong feelings towards him was beyond her and it confused her.

"Can I ask you something?",he asked quietly. She looked up and saw him looking out the window. His broad shoulders were slightly hunched and his soft black hair fell into his eyes.

"Yes?",she said but it came out more of a question. He turned and she saw how pale he looked, his expression almost strained.

"Why did you scream the second time? Did what I do scare you or was it because of how I looked?",he asked, afraid of the answer. She bit her lip nervously as the images from the last time they had been together flashed through her mind.

"I guess a bit of both. Don't get me wrong, they're beautiful, but I'd never seen anything like it before so I was scared. You are and did what I thought was impossible so I was scared but every time I picture it... it becomes more beautiful than before",she said softly and smiled down at her hands.

She heard him sigh and her smile dropped. If she hadn't run away he wouldn't be mad at her now and she knew that.

"As much as I wish it wasn't, that's the wrong answer",he said and she looked up to see him looking at her blankly. She searched his face for some kind of emotion but found nothing. Not knowing what to say, she stayed silent.

"Under different circumstances I would've been overjoyed that you aren't afraid of me... But I can't because of-",he cut himself off, realising that he almost told her about his plans. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and looked at him carefully.

"Because of what?",she asked curiously. He shuffled nervously and looked down at his wrist.

"Look at the time. You need your rest so I'll be going now",he said and turned. He hurried to the door and put his hand out to open it causing his jacket's sleeve to pull up slightly, exposing his wrist.

"Cole",she said. He paused but didn't turn to face her and she felt anger boiling inside of her. She crossed her arms and sat up straight before opening her mouth to speak.

"You're not wearing a watch",she said, surprising herself with how calm she sounded. His blood ran cold and all the colour drained from his face as he looked down and saw his bare flesh. There was no doubt that she had seen and he wasn't going to get out of this without confessing or letting his true nature come out. His plan wouldn't work if he chose the latter but he had no other option. Taking a deep breath he dropped his nice act and turned to glare at her.

"Can I go yet or do I have to lie to you again?",he snapped. Her eyes widened and he almost apologised which frightened him because he was never allowed nor wanted to apologise to anyone. She was affecting him and he needed to get away from her before she made him soft.

"So now you're a coward? A minute ago you were speaking to me easily but now you're leaving skid marks on the floor with how quickly you're trying to get away! What were you going to say that made you act like this", she shouted back at him. He looked at her furiously even though he wasn't really as angry as he was amazed and curious. She wasn't afraid to shout at and argue with him.

"It's none of your business. You will never know because I don't share my thoughts with people I don't like. I hate girls that think they're everything and I can't believe I thought you would be any different. I hate you",he said coldly. He saw the hurt flash in her eyes and the tears form. Realising he took it to far and instantly regretting his words he took a step towards her to comfort her and tell her he didn't mean it but she covered her emotions quickly and looked at him blankly.

"Get out",she said in a voice so calm, it scared him. He wasn't scared of anyone but his father yet the woman in front of him terrified him. She was usually smiling and happy. He'd never seen her expressionless and he didn't like it. She was supposed to be smiling and laughing at and with him. He hated the unfamiliar feeling within his chest and hated himself for allowing the unfamiliar feeling to get to him. The guilt and remorse sickened him as he realised he'd lost his little bit of happiness. With a small nod he turned to leave.

"Goodbye, little bird",he muttered as he walked out seeing Heath racing in his direction.

"Please tell me my girl is okay",Heath said desperately as he got closer. Cole wanted to shout and beat some sense into the man in front of him to make him realise Arael wasn't his but instead he just nodded and silently walked away.

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