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"Mom, can I ask you something?" Janina whispered absentmindedly

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"Mom, can I ask you something?" Janina whispered absentmindedly. Her mother nodded, silently punching in combinations into the food materializer. Janina help up her phone, her face scrunched with concern, "Mom, what's a tree?.."  Her mother looked at the picture. A beautiful maple tree sat in a vibrant green meadow, flowers and birds all around. "A tree was a plant that made air naturally for us to breath. They were also used to make paper products and their wood was used as well. Now a days, we dont have them anymore. We used them up. Everything is synthetic now." Janina nodded slowly and sat down.

Her window have her the best view of the city she called home. For miles around you could see bright street lights as the reflected off the humongous steel buildings. Everything was hardware. Janina had never seen grass or trees in her life. Hardly anyone in the city has. So why had she seen it in her dreams?..

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