Chapter 4

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⚠My grammar isn't the best so when it's bothering you then don't read it,thank you.⚠

Ayyyy Chapter 4~ I think this one is boring again but hEy soon some Victuri moments y'know👀 Don't forget that Drama will happen asap too ahahaha im bad :')
Hope you will like this Chapter!
Oh and about the Picture I added,I just wanted to show how Yuuri looks like when he styled himself just without the glasses if I didn't explain it well :') well byE
"We have to celebrate this!" Victor was yelling these words for a while now after I told him that I'll join the Mafia,he really was happy about that but why? I could betray him any time,but I know that he's playing the game.

He wanted to give me another glass of Gin but I refused,I don't know what I will do when I'm drunk,I might say then to Victor that I think he's sexy.

God this would be so embarrassing.

Right after that he told me everything I will have to do in the Mafia for first. It wasn't that much. I only have to wear now everyday a Suit,I really don't know why. When Victor orders me something,I have to do it without to hesitate even though he said to me that I'll be kinda the second Boss next to him of the Mafia. And I always have to stay by his side.

This will be the hardest one for me,being together all the time with such a brutal Murder also when he doesn't seem like so. Well,I have to live with it now until I find a way to get out of here.

"I should tell that the others too,today in the afternoon few other Mafiosos will come and we will have a small meet-up,just like a small Party!" Victor's smile was so bright just like a child's one,his eyes didn't stop shining so blue,I can't take my eyes off him.

"Y-You really don't have to do that,you can tell them that I joined but I really don't want a Party for it.." I tried to stop Victor with his plans but he refused,his plans are already set.

"No Yuuri,I want to celebrate that I got a new one in my Mafia who will be a big help for me and the others." He smiled and it was like he wanted to hug me but he didn't,better so. "I'll tell the others to bring you a really good Suit for today,the meet-up will start at 6pm so be early there,I will be really said if you won't come." He pouted but it was like he's threating me with his low voice. I just nodded,slowly getting scared a little of Victor but his expression turned back to a really happy one.

That was close.

"You have two Hours now to make yourself ready for the small Party,you should hurry and go now to make you ready!" He pushed me towards the door and I blushed softly by his touch on me.

What the hell,Yuuri.

"F-Fine,don't push me like that!" I stuttered and looked at Victor again,grumbling softly and opened the door. "I'll be there early." I said right after before walking out of Victor's room to my own room.

"See you soon,Yuuri!" He yelled after me and waved to me as well. I had to blush,I'm not sure why but I quickly rushed back into my room and closed the door behind my back and took a deep breath.

Again I had Victor in my head and couldn't get him out of it. Again I had him in front of my eyes,his warm smile on his face and his eyes shining as always. I really want to stare at him the whole day. My hate at Victor got less these days I'm here,he wanted that I feel here like I'm at my own Home,he didn't want that I felt scared here and he made everything right. I wasn't scared or anything,I felt save when I'm just with him or now that he is here in the Villa too.

I know,I first was hating him a lot because of the people he killed and still had in my mind that he's playing a game with me but still,I can't get him out of my head and I feel weird when I just see or hear his voice. Is it what you can call love? But how can I,Yuuri Katsuki,fall in love with such a Murder? I can't explain it as well,I'm still confused.

I shaked my head and closed my eyes for a moment,taking a deep breath as I tried to calm me and to get Victor out of my head,even if it's just a little. I walked to the small bathroom I had in my room to make myself ready,I turned on the water as I pulled off my glasses and washed my face a little until I heard someone walk into my room.

I lifted up my head and looked out of the door,my face was still wet as I blinked my eyes few times eyes to see a  it clearly,it was Yurio who brought me a suit and placed it on my bed. He doesn't look happy that I'm now a part of the Mafia.

"Here is your Suit,pig." He hissed as he looked at me,I nodded gently and thanked him as well but he ignored me and walked out of the room again,closing the door behind his back. Such a child.

I took a towel and dryed my face again,taking my glasses and pulled them on after I walked out of the bathroom to my bed. I lifted up my Suit a little and stared at it,it was a black suit with a white blouse and black tie. I had to smile,Victor really knows what suits me.

I changed into my suit and pulled on my tie as well,right after walking back into the bathroom and looked into the Mirror. Wow,I look really boring. My hair was just hanging down and with my glasses I really look like a Nerd.

I looked around and suddenly saw on a small closet that there were styling stuff on it. I walked to it and took a small box on which was standing 'Hair Wax'. Now I know what I will do with my hair. I walked back to the mirror and pulled off my glasses,opening the small box and took some of the wax on my hands,smearing the wax into my hands before I used it on my hair. I pushed all my hair back,only few strains were on my forehead as I did. After I was done I stared into the Mirror a little,I really looked like a other Person. I had to smile again before I washed my hands,drying them right after.

 I had to smile again before I washed my hands,drying them right after

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And then I wanted to pull on my glasses but stopped. Maybe I shouldn't wear them for the Party? Just one time. I placed them away again before I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the clock,I still had 30 minutes. Well,Victor told me to be there early so don't I go now?

I pulled off my suitjacket and threw it over my right shoulder,only my fingers was holding it as I had my other hand in my pocket. I had a huge Mirror in my room so I could see my whole body. I really was looking good,I hope it was enough.

I took again a deep breath before I walked to the door and opened it,walking out and looked around for a moment. Victor didn't tell me where the Party is,jeez. Well,I think it will be in the huge Gathering hall downstairs since he told me that it will be a meet-up.

I walked down the stairs but slowly as I heard voices getting louder and louder when I walked down the stairs.

I arrived the hall and stared at all the people who already arrived in the Villa,a lot of people actually. All were wearing suits and few of the Woman's also dresses but more Man were herw that Woman's.

I stopped on a tread and lookedd around,seems like no one was looking at me yet. Maybe I don't look that good? Well,however. Suddenly I could hear Victor's voice coming closer to my direction until I saw him. He was walking with two Mafiosos and one Woman with a lot make-up on her face.

Damn,she looks really rich but yet so ugly with all the make-up.

I stared again at Victor,he didn't change so much at his clothes again. He wore a blue tie instead of a black one and also wrote his long black coat. He smiled as he was talking with them,having a glass in his hand with something in it,I couldn't see what but I knew that it was alcohol.

He kept on talking as he moved his eyes to me. Suddenly he stopped talking and his smile faded on his face,his eyes were shining much brighter. His expression was really surprised and I could see that he couldn't take eyes off me.

I smiled at him.

Let me surprise you more,Victor.

-End of Chapter 4-

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