Hello Princess ❤ Jazz

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Now then, Jazz and I have known each other since august 19th, this will sound bad but the only way I remember this is because I met her 2 days before I got my stitches in my back and face. But she's an absolutely amazing friend and I have a lot of memories with her. I know I've hardly know her but I feel like I've know her forever!

She is a great girl and every time we talk we nearly always start it with a memory... Like:
Jazz: WHAT A SHAME! Xxxxxxxx
Me: THERE'S NO WAY OUT! xxxxxxxx
Jazz: WHO'S TO BLAME! xxxxxxxx

Hello princess xxxxxxxx

The first one was from a skyline gang Halloween performance where misty locked them in a haunted house. It was a funny, yet disturbing, show. And that was the song she sung.

The second one is from another show called Aladdin rocks, where Sean (from butlins) is a police man who is protecting princess Jasmine.  So ya know considering Jazz's name is Jasmine I now say hello princess whenever I can.

You've already heard most of our stories from butlins, but there will be more to come :)

There is one more though, her brother, James, isn't called James to my family we call him nanoo nanoo. I can't remember what film that's from but he had a bowl cut at one point and he looked like someone my mum knew... But the funny thing is I did the thing with your hand where yo pu make it look like you have two fingers and a thumb, well I did that and I accidentally back handed him in the face 😂 since then he smiles and keeps his head low in case I hit him again 😂

Love ya princess jasmine ❤

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