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I love getting the blame from people yet I do nothing wrong, its funny. Its always my fault your hurt. Its always my fault you cut. EVERYTHING IS MY FUCKING FAULT! You dont realize how much you hurt me okay! I seriously thought I meant something to you then I get ignored and broken and yet again its my fault you ignored me. Its my fault your a screw up. It's my fault you left me. People like you should really stop trying to fuck with me cuz I have better people in my life who give a shit about me. The people know who they are and know what they've done to me! And I'm sick of your crap. I'm sick of it? You can blame the world on me but see if my fave gives a fuck? Ya know what when Velma drops her glasses and can't find them that's me trying to find the fucks I give to you! I'm happy I have the people I do because they care! Its people like my ex's and old best mates that try to bring me down but it won't work anymore, I'm stronger than you think and smarter than I seem. I may look like a fuck up but deep down Ik when I'll find a player or a fuck boy or a cheater and Ik when to get rid of them! Stop messing with me cuz when my hand is fixed you'll be needing me to take you to A&E for breaking the rest of you body!
Mess with me and you'll see my little fists fly!
I say thank you for the people who love are CARE about me!

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