Chapter 6: I just want my dad

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As I searched the streets for Marcellus, I found one of Marcel's men.
"You there! You're one of Marcel's men, aren't you?" I shouted to the young vampire while walking towards him.
"What's it to you?" He replied.
"Take me to him. Now." I said while showing my veins and fangs.
"Look, I don't know who you think you are, but-"
"I know I'm an original and if you don't take me to see him now, heads will roll." I cut him off. My inner Klaus coming out.

He looked shocked with his wide eyes and mouth slightly open.
As I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, he finally snapped out of it and took me to see Marcellus.

As we walked into the compound, Marcel's men shout for him.
All of a sudden Marcel is in the room.
"Diego...what have I told you about bringing people over without my permission?" Marcel said. Did he seriously just say that? I can't believe this low life....
"Marcellus, we need to talk. Right now." I said as calmly and threatening as I could.
"Little E! What brings you by?" He replied. I wasn't as happy as I was when I first heard him call me that. My friend called me Little E....I don't know if he's my friend. He's always lied to me for his own benefit and now he's standing in the way of me and my dad.

I vamp sped to Marcel grabbed him and vamp sped us both somewhere private.
"Woah Elizabeth, what's going on?" He asked.
"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" I asked wondering if he thought I was stupid.
"What are you-" He tried to ask.
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Marcellus! My father, where is he? I know you have him and I know you have some girl that is capable of hurting my dad!" I told him getting frustrated and angry.
"How did you find out?" Marcel asked while trying to step towards me but I stepped back, not wanting to be so close to him.
"It doesn't matter how I found out, Marcel! All that matters is that you lied to me....again. After everything we've been through together, you still keep lying to me." I said feeling so many mixed emotions.
"E let me explain." He said looking torn.
"I'm tired of you betraying me Marcel. You lie to me over and over and it keeps putting my family in harms way. I don't want you to explain, not again." I said this time looking as sad as he did.
"If you want to make it up to me, give me dad. Please Marcel, all I want is my dad." I pleaded hoping he would listen. But hoping isn't enough to get things done.
"You know I can't do that Elizabeth. You have to understand, Klaus would kill me." Marcel replied.
"If you won't give me my father back then you just killed our friendship." I said.

I turned around to walk out and as I did I heard him shout my name...
I can't be friends with someone who is constantly lying to me and putting my family in danger. If there's one thing my dad taught me, it's family above all.

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