Chapter 8: At least we tried

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(Elizabeth's dress above)

We walked into the party, Uncle Nik in the middle with Aunt Bekah and I each by his side, our arms linked together. There were people wearing nice dresses and others not so much. They were dressed like Effie from The Hunger Games. Yes, I watch new movies even though I'm a thousand years old. The best part of living for eternity is watching the world develop.

"Of course Marcel has exotic dancers. I'm sure he learned that from you Uncle Nik." I say rolling my eyes and getting a smirk out of Aunt Bekah. "You get more like me everyday flower." She says smiling. No matter how much time has passed, men will always showcase women like they're objects.
"Well this is certainly a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, i must say."  Uncle Nik says smiling so big. See what I mean?
Scowling I say "Men are pigs."
"Don't I know it." Aunt Bekah says.

A girl walks in wearing a white dress with angel wings. Apparently Aunt Bekah and Uncle Nik knew who she was because....
"What's she doing here?" Uncle Nik asks. He sorta looks angry but he's not showing it a lot.
"Who's she?" I ask confused. Aunt Bekah gave me a look that said I'll tell you later. Nodding, I looked back at uncle Nik.
"What better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human, new girl  in a room chock full of vampires?" Aunt Bekah says before walking toward the new girl.

" You okay Uncle Nik? You look a little red." I said smirking.
He shot me a look that's said to be quiet and it only mad me laugh. He always tries to give me scary looks like the ones he gives his "minions" but I know him so well. If others knew him as Nik instead of Klaus they wouldn't be scared of him.

We watched Aunt Bekah talk to the girl, who I still don't know the name of. Marcel was distracted. He was watching the two talk instead of doing whatever it is he does. I've got to admit my Aunt is very clever.

Suddenly Uncle Nik walked up to them and said "He's the brother, actually, and my sister is right. You do look stunning." I knew it. He likes her. He deserves someone who'll love him and isn't crazy like his past girlfriends. Whether they knew it or not they both obviously felt something for one another.

"You clean up pretty well yourself." She replied. Yeah, they could end up together.
"Any woman who is able to compliment you Uncle Nik is a keeper." I say smiling.
"I see it now" I smiled at aunt Bekah.
"I'm Elizabeth. It's nice to meet you..." I say smiling to the mystery girl.
"Cami." She says smiling back at me.
I went to say something but Uncle Nik cut me off before I could "Would you like to dance?" He asks her. She accepts.
" So?" I ask Aunt Bekah smiling very much.
"I need booze first." She says walking away while I follow still smiling.
Sighing she tells me Cami works in a bar and Marcel is infatuated with her. "So is Uncle Nik. He obviously won't admit it but he does."
"I know. That's partly why I invited her". She says while drinking her booze and not looking at me.
"Oh my god I knew it." I say my smile not going away.
"Knew what?" Aunt Bekah questions confused.
"Oh nothing." I said. She gave me the look. The one that every child never wants from their mother. Aunt Bekah may not be my mother but that look still had the same affect; plus she practically is a mother to me.
"Alright, alright. Just stop looking at me like that. You still care about Uncle Nik and his happiness. You say you don't because you're angry at him and you should be but no matter what you still love him because he's your brother." I said smiling at her.
"You know sometimes I hate how smart you are." She replied.
"Not as smart as you." I said hoping I was being slick.
"Oh no you don't, spill." She said not even looking at me but at Uncle Nik.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Aunt Bekah maybe you had a little too much to drink." I say while I look anywhere but at her.
Scowling she replied " I just started."
"Fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but you're my aunt and I didn't want you to think I'm more weak than you already do."
Sighing she turned and put her cup down. "You are my niece and I love you. I don't think you're weak, I think you've been through so many stuff at a young age and if anything, you're the strongest person I know. At the age of 5 you went up against Mikael to protect Nik. None of us could even do that, but you could, a small child wanting to protect her family. I don't think you're weak and I never will. It just hurt that you told Hayley and not me." She said looking at me with a sad smile.
Nodding sadly I said "I know. Aunt Bekah I'm sorry. I promise I'll tell you anything I already haven't when we get home."
We smiled at each other and then we hugged.

The rest of the night went as planned except for Uncle Nik interfering. We were home when he told us he had killed Katie before Sophie could complete the spell, claiming he had Marcel right where he wanted him.

Later that night Aunt Bekah and I took our minds off things. We watched movies, made cupcakes, painted each other's nails, and she even braided  my hair like she did a thousand years ago. I was glad she was my Aunt because I couldn't imagine it being anyone else.

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