6. Part 3 ~ India

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Kayla Marie
Main event time

Randy and I are getting ready for our entrance, our music hits and the crowd goes insane. I get in the ring and Randy stands in my corner, I hand him by belt and my leather jacket. He hands me a mic.

"Ambrose, after what you did earlier tonight, I'm going to kick your ass." I say. The crowd boos. I go to say more but I'm drowned out by music.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield.

I turn and watch them come through the crowd. Roman is limping, Seth has a split eyebrow, and Dean has a busted lip. Randy motions for me to come over to him.

"I kneed him in the face after you left." He whispers.

"Thanks King." I say and kiss his cheek before turning back to Dean.

"You think this is fair!?" Dean screams, "Making me have a second match tonight? Well here's news for you, I'm not a real person, I'm Dean Ambrose. I can do this all day long!"

"Ring the bell." I say shoving my mic into the refs chest.

I run at him. Slamming my forearm into his face. I push I'm into the corner, hitting Roman and Seth with elbows, knocking them off the apron. I start kicking Dean.

"1! 2! 3! 4!" The official grabs me and pulls me back.

I walk over  to Randy and whisper "Grab my bat."

He nods and hops of the apron. He slides my bat under the bottom rope, I grab it. Dean is trying to his feet and I run towards him, jabbing the bat into his stomach. He doubles over and I bring the bat down on his back. Seth climbs in the ring and throws himself in front of Dean. I don't hesitate to slam the bat into his ribs, causing him to double over as well. I lean over to grab Dean and I hear Seth mutter.


Later in the match

Dean flings me into my corner. My arm flys backwards hitting Orton square in the face which causes him to fall off the apron. I look down at him to see what looks like a broken nose. Dammit. Dean comes charging at me and I spin to the side and his head bounces off the turnbuckle.

"This is what happens when you go against the Authority!" I say, grabbing a handful of his hair.

I pull him into the center of the ring, letting go of him I back up. I roundhouse kick him in the head. Dean crumples to the grounds and I hook a his leg for a cover.

"1! 2! 3!" "And your winner, representing The Authority, Kayla Marie!" The boos from the crowd fill my ears and I laugh. This is what we want, after all I am a heel.

I'm sitting in the Authority's office as a trainer cleans up Randy's face.

"Thanks for breaking my nose." He snarls.

"Im sorry, Babe, I truly am. But maybe, you should of moved out of the way?" That makes him mad, "Plus! You got blood on my jacket!" I say holding up my leather jacket that now has a blood streak on it.

"Stop arguing like children!" Steph exclaims slamming papers down on her desk.

"People are starting to assume there's trouble brewing between you two." She says eyeing us up. The trainer left and Randy's nose has stopped bleeding.

"And we can't have that. So we are putting you two in tag team action week against The Usos, your tag team titles are on the line." Hunter says sitting down next to Stephanie.

"Our tag team titles? We don't have tag team titles?"

"Kane and I have the titles, but since we are in a large group any two members of the team can hold the titles." Orton replies.

Hunter nods, "And we chose the Usos because they are Roman's cousins. If you give them a good beatin' it should bother Roman. Now get out of my sight."

Dean Ambrose

"Come on bro." Joe says putting his arm over my shoulders. We walk out to our car, more like he drags me. I see someone leaning against the hood of our SUV.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I growl.

"I came to warn you. Whatever you are planning to do to Kayla, don't do it. She's mine now, and I'll protect her more than you ever could of." Orton said straightening up.

"Really now? Cause if I'm not mistaken, she broke your nose tonight, doesn't seem like she wants to be yours does it?" Joe says.

Randy rushes forward, slamming into both of us knocking us to the ground. "If only you knew." He growls at us. He starts kicking us, all we can do is try to protect ourselves from the hardest of the kicks.

"ORTON STOP!" I hear a familiar voice scream. Randy stops kicking us.

I struggle to sit up, "You good Uce?" He nods sitting up as well.

I look to see Kayla smack Orton right across his smug face, "King, don't make me get my bat." She hisses at him. "Leave, now." She says shoving him.

"Ok my Queen." He mutters as he leaves.

"Thanks, Kay." I say, using the bumper of the SUV to stand up.

"Don't mention it." She says walking away.

I notice she left her leather jacket on the ground. Picking it up a note falls out of its pocket,

Next week, Echo.

Was written in thin slanted handwriting.

"Uce." I say handing it to him. "You know what we have to do.... if you don't want to be there Colby and I can do it."

I get in the front passenger seat, Joe drives.

"No, it will look odd if I'm not there."

We have to wait a few minutes for Colby to show up before we leave, trainers wanted to check his ribs after Kayla hit him.

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