chapter 5

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Niall and I walked out of the house and walked the small distance it took to get to his car. I lived out in the woods so really his car wasn't by my house. We didn't live far in the woods but in them if that makes since. He got in the driver seat while I took passenger, we started for the city that wasn't that far from here. We made small talk till we got there which didn't take long. Maybe about thirty to forty five minutes. 

"Hello, I have a reservation under the name of Horan." he said. The lady smiled. 

"Yes, of coarse. Right this way sir." She said. I followed her to a table for two in the back of the restaurant like I requested. Call me crazy but back here is a lot more quieter then up there. I did Niall a favour really. We scanned over the menu looking at our choices. After we decided on what we wanted the waiter came and took our orders. 

"What would you like to drink?" She asked. 

"Pepsi please." I said. She nodded then looked at Niall. 

"Same please." He said. She nodded then walked away scribbling in her notebook. 

"I got you something.." He said. I smiled. 

"Really? You didn't have to." I said as my cheeks became flushed. He nodded. 

"I know, I know but I wanted to." He said. He dug in his pocket until he found a simple bracelet with a four leaf clover on it. I smiled. 

"Will you help me put it on?" I asked. He nodded. I slowly moved my hand over to him so he could put it on. The cold chain hit my skin making me shiver slightly. When he was done with the clasp I pulled my arm back to me. I observed the bracelet a bit more. It was beautiful. It had my initials on the back along with his. We weren't dating yet and he is already getting me cute little gifts that have our initials on them. Wow. 

"Your meals." The lady said. She placed our food on the table along with our drinks. 

"Thank you." Niall and I said. He smiled at me. We began eating and making small talk. After our meal I had a chocolate cake slice while Niall practically order the whole desert menu. It was really entertaining to watch. I eventually took a few pieces of cake from his order which he didn't seem to bothered by. After that we split the bill and both put down a tip considering how many dishes were on the table for them to clean up. We went back to the car and got in. 

"Now where to?" I asked. 

"Umm, I'm not telling. But I hope you like it. It'll be a while till we get there but I think it'll be worth it." He said. I nodded slowly. I buckled up then started fumbling with my purse to get my phone out. When I got it I had two missed calls from Skylar, four from Liam, and one from my sister. I knew they were only trying to annoy me on my date. Wow, typical. I text Skylar back just to let her know everything was going great knowing that if I didn't then she would come into town and hunt me down just to see if every things okay. Niall started driving down the street. There was almost nobody out tonight which was odd. I messed around with the control of the radio until I found a song I liked. I stared out the window as the scenery flew by before my eyes. A light sprinkle started as the city became out of view. 

"Where are we going?" I asked again. He laughed. 

"I'm not telling you." He said. I groand and thew my head back aginst the head rest. 

"Please." I said. He shook his head no. I huffed. I got a text from an unknown number. it kind of freaked me out. It said 'Beware..danger is arising..'. What ever the heck that meant. I replied with. 'What do you mean?'. After that I forwarded the text to Skylar. She is smart about this stuff. She can get Liam to see if it is just a prank or something. About an hour later we stopped in front of a lake. I looked over at Niall. 

"A lake? Niall, I'm in a dress." I said. He laughed. 

"We aren't going IN the lake. We're going ON the lake." He said. I looked at him. 

"You mean on a boat?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled. I loved boats! In fact on my 6th birthday my mom arranged for me to have it on a boat because of how much I loved them. It was fun. We got out of the car and walked over to some docks. There were a long line of them. We walked and walked until we stopped at one that was white with red along the rims. It was a nice boat. We got on the boat then went into the cabin area. I took my shoes off then sat down while Niall went and steered us out of the docks. When we were in the middle of the lake he came back in with a candle. 

"The lamp wont work so looks like we're stuck with using candles." He said putting it on the table in front of us. I smiled. 

"That's alright with me." I said. He nodded. 

"So, what now? Is there another surprise you should warn me about?" I asked playfuly. He shrugged. 

"None that you should be concerned about." He said. I squinted my eyes, 

"What are you up to Horan?" I asked. He chuckled. 

"Nothing." He said. I sighed. 

"Okay." He smiled. I turned to where I was facing him, his eyes were sparkling and his lips were partly opened. His skin seamed to glow as the candle light bounced off his skin. His blond hair some how managed to get messy and out of place during the car ride. It was kind of adorable. He stood up again and looked down at me. 

"Come outside with me." He said. I nodded. He held his hand out for me to help me get up which I gladly took. We walked to the back of the boat and stood by the railing. The sight was absolutely breath taking. The moon was fool tonight so the waters looked a bit more blue then usual, the wind was softly blowing in my face which I didn't mind. The night sky was clear and you could see every star there was to see. I couldn't believe this. I mean, this is more Skylars thing. She would go on cruises with Liam, get away fro the weekend, everything like that with Liam. I guess I'm going to have to get used to it. I felt arms snake around my waist then a chin being placed on the top of my head. 

"Did I tell you you look beautiful tonight?" I placed my arms over his and smiled. 

"No.." I whispered

"Well, you do." he whispered back. The smile on my face only got wider. How could this be anymore perfect. Then, as if on cue, I heard a light violin being played. He backed away from me then turned me around. 

"Will, you dance with me?" He asked. I nodded slowly. He took my hand and lead me to a more open spot. He guided my hands up to his shoulders then placed his around my waist. I smiled. This couldn't get anymore perfect. 

"Penney for you thoughts." Niall offered. I looked into his eyes. 

"I'm just thinking how wonderful this is." I said truthfully. He nodded. We continued dancing and talking lightly to each other. This is only our first date, and I barley know him, but I feel I know every single thing there is to know about him. I liked it. I lay my head on his chest considering our height difference. With my heals we would have been the same height but, oddly enough, I liked being shorter then him. I don't know why, but I did. I started feeling a bit tired after about thirty minutes of us dancing together. 

"Niall..'' I said just above a whisper. 

"Hmm," He hummed. 

"I'm getting tired. Are we going back to shore?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"Do you want to?" He asked. I shook my head. 

"No.." I whispered. He nodded. 

"Do you want to go to bed?" He asked. I nodded. He picked me up bridle style and carried me into the cabine then lay me in a nice, soft, comfy bed. I instantly fell asleep. How more perfect could this be?

So, heres chapter 5. I'm going to get my last chapter edited, then get this one edited. God knows it needs to be done. I was looking over it and there are so many problems I'm almost ashaped to say its my work. Lol, not really. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'll try to get another updated soon. Bye Lovelys!! Happy Wattpading!!

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