chapter 13

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Yall is lucky I love you enough to stay up as late as I am to update. Just sayin...

-Niall's .Pov.-

When I woke up I heard some cries coming from the next room. I assume someone disobeyed again. I wish they'd just learn it's not going to be easy with the other people here. I went out the room and down the stairs to the cellar to get the first few workers in the kitchen. When I went in mostly everyone was sleeping. Some were crying and praying. Some were talking with friends about how life would be after they were set free. Then I saw Julia. She was curled up into a ball asleep with her eye bowls scrunched up. I heard a small whimper as I passed by a girl around 16. I looked down at her to see a black bruise forming around her left eye. I frowned. I hate that I was apart of this cruel and awful world. I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't want to be sent down here. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head as a tear slipped her eye. 

"Wheres my brother?" She asked. My heart ached to hold her. 

"He's most likely in the fields working." I said. Her face fell even more. I hate that Master was making us do this. 

"I'm sorry." I said. She didn't answer so I kept walking to get the early risers. I then though back to my flash back. What was that? I know it was Julia but why? I've never met her before. I don't think I have anyways. Maybe I'm just going crazy. Yep. That's definitely it.  After I got everyone needed I went back upstairs. Harry pulled me aside. He was carrying a bag.

"I'm gonna give these to them. Do you want to help?" He asked pointing to the cellar door. I noticed there was food and water in the bag so I nodded quickly. We walked back in quietly and handed out to the food and water. I grabbed some chips and a water bottle then started walking over to Julia. She looked up at me. Her eyes were full of hope and a mix of hurt. I handed her the stuff and smiled lightly at her.

"Thanks.. What about my friends?" She asked. I looked over at the sleeping group of girls. 

"I will get them some in a moment. Harry went to go get more." I said. She nodded. I walked around to check on everyone else. A few minutes later Harry came back in a rush. We passed the rest out then went back up so we didn't get caught. Knowing us we were to loud and another guard came over to see if everything was alright. 

"Everything is fine Matt. I can assure you that." I said. We walked passed him quickly and went to our rooms. 

"Do you even remember why they are working for Master?" Harry asked. 

"I think it's cause their against her. Like, since they don't want her to rule then they are slaves until she takes over." I explained. He nodded. I heard a knock on the door so I walked over and opened it. Liam was standing there with a frown on his face and his eyes burned into mine. 

"I want to see Skylar." he said. I sighed. 

"I can't. What I'm doing now is already to dangerous. If I get caught not only are you in trouble, but so is Skylar. It's to dangerous." He shook his head. 

"I know you can do this Niall. I thank you for giving them the comfort they need but Skylar needs me right now. I need to talk to her." He said more frustrated. I sighed and rubbed my face. 

"Fine. In the morning meet in the woods. I'll bring her to you. Now, go before you get caught and beet." I whispered. He nodded then scurried off. I closed the door. I lay down on my bed and grabbed my phone. When I unlocked it I saw a picture of Julia and I. But why?? Why was she showing up EVERYWHERE I look?? I don't know her!! 

"Who is that?" harry asked. "Isn't that the girl down stairs?"

"It is but.. I don't know why." I whispered. He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

"I feel like I know her. But i don't. Like, we were friends as kids or something." I mumbled. I shook my head and put my phone down. 

-Julia's .Pov.-

When Blondie left I looked over at Perrie and Sky to see them Looking back at me. 

"Do you know him?" Perrie asked. 

"I don't know. Sky, have you seen him before?" I asked. She nodded slowly. 

"I don't know where from though but I know I have definitely seen him before." She said. I nodded in agreement. I took a drink of the cold water and handed it to Sky. After she took a drink Perrie took a drink. As she handed it to me the men came back and handed everyone else some food and water, but they left before I could talk to Blondie. I wish I could talk to him. But he only comes down to get workers and give us stuff. 

"We should eat one bag, save the others, and same with the waters." Perrie said. Sky and I nodded. We hid two bags of chips and two waters then shared the others. After that we talked for about ten minutes, then Blondie came back and got me, Sky, Perrie, and a few other girls. I followed quietly. He let the other girls go in but stopped me and closed the door. 

"Julia, I feel like I know you. And I know you feel that way too." He said. I looked into his blue eyes. 

"He will have blond hair, ocean blue eyes, the perfect smile, and tanned skin." 

I shook my head. 

"Umm, yeah. Kind of." I said in a whisper. 

"Do you remember feeling something between us?" He asked. I shook my head slightly. He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in. When his lips met mine I froze. When he pulled away he had a small smile on his face. 

"How about now?" He asked. I nodded slightly. 

"Where do I know you from Jules?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble so can I please go to work?" I asked. He shook his head.

"If your with me you wont get in trouble." He whispered. He stepped forward which caused me to step back. I felt the wall against my back and flinched a little. I felt a warm breath on my ear. 

"Please...come back to me Jules..." He whispered. I looked into his eyes and he looked confused too. I pushed passed him and entered the kitchen, Why did he want me to come back to him? Who am I even going back to?

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